Chapter 15: Welcome (Back) to Top Gun

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"I give you Ava Carens, callsign: Skywalker."

After about two weeks, Ava had finished her review classes and flight lessons. Which only left her with one more thing, her Top Gun class. It had been awhile since she had to wake up at 5am to go to training at 7, but it was easier than she expected.

After eating, pulling her hair into the tightest bun imaginable, and throwing on her old Navy uniform, she met Iceman outside of the Top Gun base. "How are you feeling, Skywalker?" He asked as she made her way towards him. 

Iceman was standing with his hands behind his back with a mischievous smile planted on his face. Ava was standing in front of him now, cocking her head to the side as she gave him a questioning look.

"I'm feeling alright. What are you hiding?" She crossed her arms over chest, leaning into her hip. Iceman removed his hands from behind his back and revealed a helmet, her helmet.

It was Navy blue with white spots all over it to make it look like a galaxy. Skywalker was written at the front in the yellow font that the Star Wars title is written in. As well as a blue lightsaber painted underneath to highlight the name.

Ava quickly grabbed the helmet from his hands, staring at it for a moment before tucking it under her right arm. She reached her left arm over his shoulder, giving him the best hug she could with one arm and thanking him.

"Admiral." The two were interrupted by the Top Gun instructor. Iceman was the one who was going to be announcing Skywalker and explaining to everyone why she was there. The two began to follow the instructor inside.

Iceman and Skywalker were standing in the back hallway that lead into the classroom. Ava immediately noticed Rooster and Phoenix sitting side by side. That's when she remembered they had no idea she was doing this, and suddenly she couldn't wait to see their faces.

"Today, we have a very special guest, so I hope you're all on your best behaviour." Their instructor began. "I give you Admiral Tom Kazansky, call sign, Iceman." Every single Top Gun student turned their attention towards the Admiral as he made his way down the centre of chairs.

They all looked at him with wide eyes and smiles as he made his way to the podium at the front. "Good morning." He cleared his throat before continuing. "Who here knows what the protocol is for when someone would like to return to the Navy after turning in their wings?" 

There was silence for a moment, seeing as none of them had planned on leaving the Navy. Iceman smiled at their silence, excited to introduce Skywalker to the bunch of them. "If they were a Top Gun graduate, they must fly a combat sequence with the current Top Gun class to see if they still have what it takes."

Skywalker held her helmet even tighter in her hands as she prepared to walk out. She knew that she was going to get a few stairs from everyone, especially Rooster. But no matter how long she prepared for it, she was never going to be ready.

"Well, today we have someone who turned in their wings and was brave enough to decide to come back." Skywalker took a deep breath, straightening her spine as she walked out of the back hall and into the class room.

"I give you Ava Carens, callsign, Skywalker." Rooster and Phoenix both Immediately whipped their heads around and watched as Skywalker made her way down the centre and into a empty seat beside the podium. Meanwhile, Hangman just watched in confusion along with Coyote.

The two of them had heard from Rooster and Phoenix plenty of stories about Ava, but neither of them knew about this.

Rooster and Phoenix both turned to look at each other, sharing the same proud look on their faces. Skywalker smiled when she made eye contact with the duo as she held her helmet in her lap.

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