Chapter 8. Footloose

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"Tonight I gotta cut loose."

"Hey, mama." Bradley spoke as he stood next to his mom, the pair making dinner together. "What is it, sweetie?" Carole asked in response as she looked down at her eight year old son. He was really starting to look like his father and it was a bittersweet thing for Carole. On the one hand, he was so handsome and she loved him so much. But on the other, every time she looked at Bradley, she missed Nick more and more.

"How old was daddy when he knew he wanted to be a pilot?" Bradley asked, eyes wide with curiosity. Carole's heart sank as she thought of the idea of her son meeting the same fate as her husband. She never wanted her son to fly after Goose's death, but she didn't want to lie to Bradley about his father. Carole sighed as she looked up at the ceiling, thinking about the first time she met Goose. "Your father knew he wanted to be a pilot from the first day he ever saw  a jet up close." She said as she looked back down at her son. 

"Mama, I want to be a pilot just like daddy."  Bradley said with a wide smile. Carole placed a hand on his cheek as she felt tears prick her eyes. "I know you do, baby." She said as a tear fell down her cheek. Bradley's smiled faded as he wiped the tear from his mothers face. "Don't be sad, mama. I just want to make daddy proud." He said as he also started to cry. Although Bradley was only four when his father passed, he missed him like crazy. Carole pulled Bradley into a hug and they held each other while they cried together.



After Ava calmed down in the bathroom, she came down and put on another Star Wars movie. Ava was resting her head on Rooster's lap as he played with her hair. She looked up at Rooster, with a sneaky smile on her face. Rooster looked down at her when he noticed she was looking at him. 

"What?" Rooster questioned with a laugh. "Have you ever seen the Clone Wars?" Ava asked, still smiling. 

"No?" Rooster said in a confused tone.

Ava sat up from her position, mouth wide open with an offended look plastered on her face. "How have you never seen the Clone Wars?" Ava shrieked as she paused the movie. 

Rooster couldn't tell if she was being serious or not so he just shrugged his shoulders. Ava stood up from the couch and pointed at him. "You cannot call yourself an Anakin Skywalker fan if you have not seen the Clone Wars." Ava said with a laugh, causing Rooster's tension to fade away once he knew she was joking.

Rooster also stood up and walked up to her, causing her to look up at him. "Well, you can't call yourself a Miles Teller fan if you haven't seen Footloose!" He jokingly yelled to her as he placed his hands on her cheeks and squished them together, causing both of them to laugh. Ava pushed his hands away and flopped down on the couch. Rooster sat down next to her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Fine. I will watch Footloose. But you have to watch the Clone Wars with me." She said as she felt the heat rush to her cheeks as his hands traveled up and down her back. Rooster gave her almost a childlike smile in return. Ava just stuck her tongue out at him, causing him to tickle her. 

Rooster knew that she was ticklish in her neck so he instantly went for that. Ava shrieked as she tried to hide her neck with her hands. Ava tried to curl up to avoid Rooster's wrath. "Stop it!" She screamed as she laughed. Out of instinct, Ava gave him a kick to the stomach to get him off. The pilot instantly stopped as he curled up in a ball, groaning at the pain.

Ava placed her hands over her mouth which was wide open. "I am so sorry." She said with a hint of laughter. 

"It's fine." Rooster groaned as he placed a hand on her shoulder and looked up at her and winced. Ava leaned forward to kiss his forehead while placing a hand on his cheek. 

"Okay, now we have to watch Footloose tonight after that." He said with a laugh.

Ava rolled her eyes but she ultimately agreed. The pair laid down in their previous position before their little spat. Rooster watched Ava's face turn a bright pink every time Miles Teller came on the screen, which he couldn't help but laugh at.

Ava was looking very intently at Rooster, squinting her eye's. 

"What?" Rooster said almost in an offended tone once he noticed her staring. 

"Are you sure you and Miles Teller aren't related?" She asked in a dead serious tone which caused Rooster to laugh. "I'm serious, if that man grew a moustache I would think you two were the same person." Ava said, now also laughing.


By the time the movie was over, Ava had fallen asleep on Rooster's chest. He didn't want to wake her so he just laid there for a bit, listening to the end credit song while playing with her hair. Ava was a very deep sleeper so it took a lot to wake her up once she was out. 

Rooster had to learn this the hard way. After about ten minutes of trying to wake her up, he decided that he would just carry her up to bed.

As he cradled her in his arms, he heard her groan as they headed up the stairs. "Shhh it's okay. I got you." Rooster spoke in a whisper. Once they were in her room, he gently placed her on her bed and under the covers. 

Rooster bent down to kiss her temple. "Goodnight." He whispered as he went to go sleep on the couch. But before he could even make it a foot away from her bed, he felt a hand wrap around his forearm. 

When Rooster looked behind him, he saw Ava holding onto him while looking at him. "Stay?" Ava muttered as she looked up at Rooster with pleading eyes. Rooster sighed as he nodded and joined Ava under the covers. 

The pair snuggled up next to each other and quickly fell asleep. Rooster knew that he was falling for this girl, and he was happy about it. However, Ava was scared to fall for him. But she was, and there was nothing she could do about it.


I had to throw in my boy Miles Teller into this just cause I love breaking the 4th wall. As for Ava and her obsession with the Clone Wars, I'm obsessed so that's why I added it in there. But how much longer do we think Ava will be able to keep her secret from Rooster? Guess we'll find out.

Let me know if you have any likes or dislikes and I'll try to add it into my next chapter. And if not, I'll update again in 2 weeks :)

~ Jo

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