Chapter 3. Great Balls of Fire

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"Goodness gracious great balls of fire." ~ Jerry Lee Lewis

"Hey, Skywalker!" Ava heard the familiar voice of her RIO, Shark, calling to her. She stopped and turned to look at him, smiling as she saw him running after her. "What's up, Shark?" He stood there, bright blue eye's staring into hers as he smiled widely. She felt her heart rate pick up the longer they stared at each other. Suddenly remembering why he made his way over to her, Shark finally asked the question he wanted to."Do you... maybe wanna go on a date?" His hands were sweaty sweaty, his eyes darting from her face to his feet. Skywalker felt her face flush red as she smiled at him, chuckling under her breath. "I would love to" She said as she nudged his shoulder a bit. Shark looked at her in shock, stammering on his words slightly. "Uh, great," He smiled as he started to walk away still facing her. He pointed to her and shouted,"I'll come pick you up at 5:30!" Skywalker smiled as she watched him walk away.



Ava was sitting at her dinner table, eating breakfast as she stared out her window. Her thoughts being consumed by Rooster. How he smiled when he looked at her, how he made her heart flutter just by staring at her. But she also couldn't help but feel guilty for feeling this way, she couldn't help but feel as though she was betraying her late Fiancé. She was conflicted and she didn't know what to do.

As she was putting her dishes in the dish washer, she heard the sound of her phone ringing. When she looked at the number all it said was "UNKOWN ID".

Slowly, Ava picked up her phone and hesitantly answered. "Hello?" Ava brought the phone up to her ear, waiting for what felt like an eternity before the person on the other line answered.

"Hey," she heard a familiar sounding voice, "Is this Ava?" The man on the other line asked.

Ava furrowed her brows in confusion, wondering who was on the other line. She hadn't made any appointments and her company had their own phone line so it was weird that there was someone calling and looking for her specifically. "It is. Who is this?"

"It's me, Bradley." Ava's face changed from confusion and worry to happy as a huge smile spread across her whole face, her entire demeanour changing suddenly. "Hey, Rooster. What's up." She heard the man laugh through the phone, causing her smile to widen.

"I thought you said you weren't gonna call me that." He said in a mocking tone.

"Well, I changed my mind," Ava teased, hearing the man on the other line chuckling. "So what are you calling for?"

"Well, if I remember correctly, you gave me your number so I could take you on a date." Ava felt her face turning a bright red at Rooster's words. "Like, tonight?" She asked with a hint of excitement in her voice.

"I mean if that's okay with you." He spoke with a hint of laughter in his voice. She looked down at her feet, trying to compose herself before answering with a simple, "Of course."

"Great, I'll meet you at the bar at 5:30. See you later, Ava." Rooster sounded just as excited as she did before ending the call, the line disconnecting. Ava stared at her phone for a moment, looking at the time. It was 7:30am and since she was off work today, she had about 10 hours to get ready. She couldn't wait to see him again.


Rooster walked over to the women's locker room, waiting outside for Phoenix. He looked at his watch, it read 7:30. Rooster had training from 9am till 4pm which would leave him an hour to get ready.

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