Chapter 9. Panic

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"Bradley, please don't! Not right now."

Ava felt like her stomach was being ripped apart by the inside. She was crying into her pillow as she wrapped her arms around herself, rocking back and forth. Maverick eventually came to check on her after heard he cry. "Skywalker, you okay?" He asked before flicking on the lights. She was surrounded by a pool of blood, which caused Maverick to take a few steps back as he assessed the scene. "It hurts." Ava choked out as she continued to scream in pain. Maverick quickly helped her up and immediately took her to the medical wing.

As she sat there, trying to comprehend what she had just found out, Maverick placed a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asked her with a concerned look on his face. Ava didn't say anything, she just sat there as a few tears streamed down her face. She had just lost a child she had no idea she was carrying. And it was all because of the stupid mission she was sent out to do. "I'm done, Mav." She finally spoke, turning her head to face him. "I'm done." 


Ava and Rooster had been going out on dates for about a month at this point. And Rooster knew how much he wanted to be with this girl. So he took the day to plan a special date where he'd ask Ava to be his girlfriend. 

He was extra excited about it after he got the approval from Phoenix who never approved of his ideas. As Rooster sat there, staring at his phone, a wave of nervousness washed over him. "What's wrong?" Phoenix asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. 

He was bouncing his leg while staring at the number he so desperately wanted to call. "What if she says no?" He asked turning to Phoenix with a sad look in his eyes. It broke her heart to see him so sad. She knew how much he'd been through and she just wanted to see him happy. 

"Well then she doesn't deserve you." Phoenix wrapped her arms around her friend, pulling him in for a quick hug. "Now quit being a pussy and call her." She teased, causing Rooster to laugh. "Okay okay. I'm calling." Rooster laughed as he put his hands up in surrender. 

Ava was sitting on the couch, looking out her window. She had a hard time sleeping, so as soon as she saw that first light, she jumped out of bed. She didn't really have anything planned for the day, so she sat there, staring out the window. 

She was jolted from her thoughts when she heard her phone ringing. She placed a hand on her chest trying to calm her racing heart before looking at her phone. When she saw who was calling her, she couldn't help but smile as she answered. "Why hello to the most beautiful rooster in the world." She joked, causing Rooster to laugh. 

"What's up?" She asked as she pulled her legs into her chest, still staring out the window. 

"Uh, what are you up to today?" He asked sounding nervous. 

"Nothing, why?" Ava responded as she tucked a piece of her purple hair behind her ear. Rooster took a deep breath before he asked his question. "Do you wanna spend the day together? I got a whole bunch of stuff planned." 

Ava could hear the shakiness in his voice, which made her a little nervous. "Yeah, sure." Ava finally responded after a moment of silence, trying to sound as calm as she could. "Great! I'll come get you around noon. See ya." Rooster excitedly spoke before hanging up. 

Once the call was done, Ava put the phone down beside her and let out a long, shaky breath. Something about the tone in his voice scared her. She didn't know what he had planned or why he had planned it. 

What if he was moving? What if he wasn't interested in her anymore? What if he wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend? That was the thought that scared Ava the most. Of course she liked Bradley, but she still loved Devon. Was she really ready to move on? 


It was close to noon and Ava was pacing her living room like a mad women. As all of her thoughts consumed her, she failed to hear the slam of a car door. And before she could compose herself, there was a knock on the front door. 

Ava took a deep breath as she headed towards the door, making sure she was smiling. "Hey!" Rooster greeted her as he planted a gentle kiss on her cheek. Ava smiled as she reached out to grab his hand, squeezing it slightly. 

"You look amazing." Rooster said as he took a step back to admire her. Ava felt her face turning red, causing all of her worries to roll right off of her. "You clean up nice, yourself." Ava responded as Rooster took her hand and lead her to the car. 

"Where are we going?" Ava asked when she realized she still had no idea what the plan was. Rooster just flashed her a mischievous grin and shrugged before turning his attention back to the road.

After driving for about 15 minutes, the two came to a stop and got out of the car. As they walked towards a building, Ava was getting anxious. This place felt so familiar to her for some reason but she tried to shake off the feeling and just focus on Bradley. 

The two were walking hand in hand, neither of them speaking due to their own nerves. As soon as they approached the building, Ava now knew why this place looked familiar. This is the place that she had learned how to fly a simple plane for flight school, and then she knew what Bradley had planed. 

Ava let go of his hand as she stopped and stared at the planes. Even looking at one made her sick to her stomach and made her want to scream. 

"Ava, you okay?" Bradley asked as he went to grab her hand. Ava took a step back as he reached out to her. Tears started to stream down her face as she felt herself hyperventilate. "I- I have to go." She managed to say as she turned around and stormed off back towards the car. 

Bradley stood there for a moment before chasing after her. "Ava, C'mon talk to me. What happened?" Rooster asked as he grabbed her hand as he turned her around to face him. 

"Bradley, please don't! Not right now." Ava yelled, causing Rooster to let go of her hand and just stare at her with hurt in his eye's. 

"I'll see you around." Ava said once more before grabbing her phone and running off while calling someone, leaving Rooster alone as he watched her leave.


Well, we're finally getting somewhere. Our boy Rooster knows that something's going on. But nobody knows what that something is quite yet. Also, I'm broke cause I just paid $1500 for a new laptop and therapy so we love that for me.

Let me know if you have any likes or dislikes and I'll try to add it into the next chapter. And if not, I'll update again in 2 weeks :)

~ Jo

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