Chapter 21. I Ain't Worried

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"Time is running out, no need to take it slow."

It was a nice day out. The sun beaming down on all of the Top Gun graduates. Skywalker and Rooster were on opposing teams for their game of Dogfight Football that Maverick had come up with.

"You ready to eat my dust, Bradshaw?" Skywalker taunted, tilting her head at the older pilot as she bent down and pushed her sunglasses up higher on the bridge of her nose. Skywalker had her hair flowing freely for the first time in what felt like ages. Usually her hair was in braids or a tight ass bun, but todays she just let her naturally wavy hair do it's thing.

"In your dreams, Carens." Rooster scoffed sarcastically before pulling his sunglasses down, winking at Skywalker. She rolled her eyes in response but she couldn't fight the smile that formed on her face.

"Alright alright!" Skywalker turned her head in the direction of Hangman who was shouting as everyone got ready on their teams. Right as Hondo blew his whistle, the two footballs that they had were being thrown.

The first one going to Maverick and the second going to Hangman. Skywalker tried to stay on Rooster as she watched Maverick aiming it towards him.

Skywalker jumped, trying her hardest to intercept the ball but she failed, and Rooster caught it. She tried with everything she had to catch up to him and she did, she even tackled him to the ground. But not before he managed to pass the football to Coyote who earned their team a touch down.

Both Ava and Bradley were laughing as they helped each other off of the sandy ground. She quickly yelped as she felt Bradley's hand smack her ass before he put his hand up in surrender. "There was sand, I was getting rid of it."

Ava smiled, shoving him slightly before watching him and Coyote made their way towards each other. The two boys chest bumped before Rooster began to do a small victory dance.

Ava felt her cheeks turning red as she stared at the tall blond. Her daze was broken by the sound of Nat calling out to her, "You might wanna keep your tongue in your mouth!"

Ava whipped her head around and began to run towards Nat who quickly ran away. She had to give it to her, Nat was fast, but not faster than she was. She quickly caught up to her, picking her up and carrying her over her shoulder as Nat squealed for Ava to put her down.

"If you insist." Ava said, carrying Nat out towards the Ocean water.

"No! I'm sorry! I take it back!" Nat was screaming her head off with a hint of laughter in her voice. Ava was also laughing, but her laughs quickly turned into screams of her own when Nat started to tickle her.

Ava quickly lost her balance, causing the two females to fall into the water. The two of them were completely soaked as they stood in knee level water. Everyone else on shore was laughing at the two of them now, especially Bradley.

"Alright! Come back to shore!" Maverick motioned the two of them to come back to their respective sides. Nat and Ava were splashing each other the whole way out of the water as they both returned to their spots on either side of Hangman.

Hondo blew his whistle once again, Hangman received the ball and instantly began to run with it. Ava noticed Bradley getting somewhat close to Hangman, but Payback was way ahead of her.

In an instant, Bradley was down and Hangman got a touchdown. Ava cheered for herself before making her way towards Bradley. She pulled him to his feet, not saying anything as they watched Halo and Phoenix high five despite being on opposite teams.

Both of the pilots turned their attention to Hangman who let out an excited scream, causing the two to laugh. 

Once back on their sides again, Maverick and Hangman received the ball. However, Payback tackled Maverick almost instantly, knocking him to the ground. 

Ava cringed slightly, making her way towards him. But to her surprise, Bradley offered his hand out and helped the older pilot up. Granted, he walked away immediately after. But Ava thought that maybe this was the beginning of them finally getting along after all theses years.

Back in line, this time Coyote was receiving. As soon as he had the ball, Maverick took off running. And Ava, knowing the Captain all too well, began running after him. Maverick caught the ball and almost the entire team was ready to tackle him. 

He crossed the line, earning their team another touchdown as plenty of people cheered. Ava, along with the rest of the Aviators, protested when Maverick tossed the ball to Phoenix as he made his way to sit out.

"Alright, old mans out!" Ava spoke, clasping her hands together as she rounded everyone back to the line once again. Ava and Bradley were standing right in front of each other as Hondo blew his whistle.

Rooster received the ball, immediately throwing it to Bob who surprisingly caught it. Ava started running after him at first, she was so close to tackling him. But the pure joy and happiness on his face was something she hadn't seen from him in a long time. So she let him go.

As soon as Bob earned his touch down, the entire team of Top Gun graduates made their way towards him. Rooster scooped up the man and placed him on his shoulders as a crowd formed around them. Everyone was chanting Bob's name as Rooster continued to carry him around.  

Ava eventually looked towards Maverick and noticed that Cyclone had begun to walk away. Not even realizing that he was there, she made her way towards the Captain who smiled at her as she approached.

"Hey, Skywalker!" Maverick waved towards the blond.

"What was that about?" She asked, pointing to where Cyclone had walked off, no where to be seen now.

"He was wondering why we were here." Maverick responded, shrugging as Ava plopped down on the sand beside him.

The two watched and laughed as everyone began to tackle Hondo, not letting up until he was on the ground. Ava had known Hondo for a few years now, but she hadn't seen him in almost two years. And she was glad that he was fitting in.

"It's good to have you back in the Navy, Skywalker." Maverick broke the silence, looking down at the younger pilot.

"It's good to be back, Maverick." And she meant it. Sure it's been one hell of a journey. But she really was happy to be back, flying jets with the man she'd grown to care for about eight years ago.



Fun fact, I Ain't Worried was my most listened to song in 2022 and Great Balls of Fire the Miles Teller Version was number 2. That beach scene still lives rent free in my head to this day. I'm also so excited that they've started talking about a 3rd movie because I need that in my life.

Let me know if you have any likes or dislikes and I'll try to add it into my next chapter. And if not, I'll update again in 2 weeks :)

~ J

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