Chapter 17. Won't Get Fooled Again

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"Meet the new boss."

Skywalker hadn't been apart of a training detachment this large in her whole Navy career. And being in a room full of 11 other pilots plus commanding officers was not something she'd done since her Top Gun days.

She was one of the first people there along with Payback and Fanboy who she'd gotten to know quite a bit last night. She'd chosen to sit in the chair behind the pair as the three of them talked until the rest of their fellow Top Gun graduates.

Once Rooster had shown up, he took a seat right beside Skywalker and the two of them started catching up on everything they didn't talk about last night.

"Attention on deck!" The buzz in the room died down as all of the Aviators stood at attention, watching as their superiors stepped up to the side. 

"Good morning." Admiral Bates spoke as he made his way towards the podium. "Welcome to your special detachment. Be seated." 

Simultaneously, every student in that room took their seats. As the Admiral continued. "You are all Top Gun graduates. The elite. Best of the best." 

Skywalker stifled a laugh as she watched Hangman's face drop after the Admiral said, "That was yesterday." Hangman was cocky, so it was always nice to watch him get put down a peg every now and then.

Warlock continued talking about skills they needed to master in order for this mission to be a success. In his words, "Success, now more than ever, comes down to the man or women in the box."

Skywalker and the rest of the crew listened intently as Warlock gave out more mission details. The Admiral began to talk about their instructor who had the real world experience they were expected to master.

Once footsteps could be heard from behind the graduates, one by one they each turned to look at who it was. Skywalker watched as Payback, Coyote, and Hangman all hid their faces, seeing as they threw him out of the bar last night.

However, Rooster had a different expression on his face. He looked angry as he watched the man walk down the middle of the tables and chairs. His jaw was clenched as he gripped his thighs, trying not to let his anger take over.

"I give you Captain Pete Mitchell. Call sign: 'Maverick.'" The man in question smiled at the crew once he made his way to the podium, placing his book down. 

"The F-18 NATOPS." Maverick started, patting the cover of the flight book before continuing. "It contains everything they want you to know about your aircraft." He pointed over towards where Cyclone was standing in gesture. "I'm assuming you know the book inside and out."

"Hell yeah!" Skywalker called out as the rest of her classmates called out similar things as well. However, Rooster remained silent, just glaring at the Captain the whole time. 

As Maverick proceeded to throw the book in the trash, Skywalker and Fanboy both leaned forward. Confusion plastered on both of their faces at the Captains action.  "Please." Rooster scoffed under his breath, rolling his eyes.

After gauging their reactions for a moment longer, Maverick finally spoke. "So does your enemy." 

"And we're off." Skywalker turned her attention towards where she heard the voice. She immediately recognized Hondo and knew that he had to be the one to say it. The two made eye contact for a moment and Skywalker gave him a slight wave to which he smiled in response.

"But what the enemy doesn't know is your limits. I intend to find them, test them, push beyond." Maverick started as a few of the Top Gunners looked around. Skywalker made eye contact with Rooster who looked annoyed more than anything.

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