Chapter 20. Friends, I Guess

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"As long as your paying, Bagman."

After a twenty minute lecture about Top Gun etiquette, Ava was finally dismissed from the Admirals office and was free to go home. She was making her way through the halls of the Top Gun base, thinking about how Bradley was doing.

Once outside, Ava started to head towards her vehicle but froze when she spotted Bradley and Hangman leaning against the hood. The two were clearly having a conversation as the faced each other. They looked like they were getting along which was weird.

And when Ava heard Hangman utter the words, I'm sorry, she felt like she was going insane. 

"I never thought I'd see the day where Jake Seresin apologizes." The man in questioned whipped around to face Ava with a slight smile on his face. Both Jake and Bradley started to make their way towards her, with Bradley wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Did you get in trouble?" Jake asked, removing the bloodied tissue from his nose.

"Nothing more than a slap on the wrist." Ava shrugged, smiling over at the cocky pilot who just gave her one in return. "You were being quite the asshole. But I'm sorry. I shouldn't have punched you."

Jake waved his hand dismissively as he shoved the opposite end of his tissue back in his nose. "No hard feelings, I deserved it." He said with a hint of laughter in his voice before finishing with, "I'm sorry starting shit that didn't need to be started." 

"Woah, another apology." Ava teased while looking at Bradley who responded with, "I know, right?"

Jake rolled his eyes, watching as Bradley placed a kiss on Ava's temple. "Hey, do you guys wanna get something to eat? My treat."

"As long as your paying, Bagman." Ava teased stepping into her car with Bradley joining her in the front. Jake let out a slight chuckle as he entered the back seat. Ava never thought she'd see the day where her and Hangman actually got along.


"So not to be nosy or anything," Jake started, placing his fork down on the table. Ava looked over at the pilot who had a curious look on his face. "But why did you leave the Navy?"

Ava froze, not knowing what to say. Meanwhile, Bradley kept shifting his gaze between the two, trying to gauge Ava's reaction.

She took a deep breath, gripping her cutlery as she thought about whether she was ready to talk about it or not. Bradley placed a comforting hand on her shoulder to which Ava gave him a half smile.

"Look, Hangman." Bradley starting, gaining the pilots attention. "It's a sensitive topic so I don't know-"

"It's okay, Bradley." Ava cut him off, giving him a reassuring nod before taking over the conversation. "I was engaged once upon a time, to my RIO. During one of our practices, our jet caught fire and we had to eject. His parachute malfunctioned and he died."

Jake's eyes went wide, watching as Ava wiped away the single tear that had fallen from her face before continuing.

"After I graduated, I got sent out on a few missions with Maverick. We got into a fight, I hit a high level of G's and I lost a baby I didn't know I was carrying. And after that day I never wanted to touch any sort of aircraft ever again."

The table went silent, no one daring to speak a word. Ava was fighting with every fibre of her being not to break down right then and there. Meanwhile, Bradley and Jake kept exchanging looks of worry and understanding.

"What got you back into flying?" Jake finally asked, trying to diffuse the tension that had been created in the room.

Ava smiled as she picked up her fork, pointing it towards Bradley. "Rooster. He forced me to go on a date where he flew a plane." She giggled, taking a bite of her salad while Bradley said, "Yup, it's all thanks to me."

The three of them continued their dinner, talking about a few things. Jake apologized to Bradley for bringing up his dad and Bradley mentioned that wasn't the reason he was mad at Maverick. They talked a little bit about it but Bradley didn't really mention anything else about it.

Simultaneously, all three of their phones buzzed. They each picked it up, looking intently at the message. "Did you guys get a text from Mav?" Ava asked, looking at the other two.

"Yup." Bradley answered, popping the P.

"Uhuh." Jake nodded, confirming that he also got the message.

Meet behind the Hard Deck at 8am tomorrow. Dress casual.

"Why does he want us to meet behind the Hard Deck?" Jake asked as the waitress came by, placing the bill in front of him.

"Who know's with him." Ava shrugged before looking over at the bill and asking, "Are you sure you don't want to split it?"

"Nah. Like I said, my treat." Jake dismissed, placing cash on the table for her as the three of them stood up and made their way towards Ava's car.

Ava dropped off Jake first, saying goodnight and thanking him for dinner. He said his goodnights and of course decided that he still had to be a dickhead. 

"G'night, washout." He said before turning around and saying, "I mean that with the utmost love. I promise." Ava rolled her eyes before giving him the finger, waving goodnight to him. 

Next up, she dropped Bradley off at his place. "Thanks, Ava." He spoke suddenly. The women in question just looked over at him with confusion, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Thanks for being there for me, through everything."  Ava smiled at his words, leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. A feeling that lingered on Bradley's face long after her lips had moved.

"Goodnight, Bradley Bradshaw." Her smile was genuine as her eyes looked deep into his.

"Goodnight, Ava Carens." He said, opening the car door and walking inside his place. Turning once more to wave one last goodbye to Ava before stepping inside.

After a much needed shower and getting comfortable in bed, Rooster pulled up his phone and texted Phoenix back after she'd asked if he was okay.

I'm good. Did you get a text from Maverick?

Yeah. I wonder what that's about.

Rooster let out a slight chuckle when he saw what Phoenix had sent him next.

If you wear a Hawaiian shirt, I'm beating your ass.

Rooster turned off his phone, laying in bed as he looked up at the ceiling. "Talk to me, dad."

He waited and waited for a sign, but there was nothing. So he closed his eyes, and pictured that he was falling asleep next Ava.



I know this was kind of a filler chapter, but I just wanted to show off the fact that Ava and Hangman have somewhat of a friendship now. I also just feel like Phoenix would HATE Rooster's Hawaiian shirts so I'm making it canon here. I've created a discord server as well dedicated to writers and other sorts of creativity so if you'd like to join it heres the link

Let me know if you have any likes or dislikes and I'll try to add it into my next chapter. And if not, I'll update again in 2 weeks :)

~ J

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