Chapter 27. I Love You

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Okay y'all... This is the LAST CHAPTER so I'm writing the authors note here cause I don't wanna take away from the ending with one. As of right now I don't have plans to make a second one, but if that's something you'd enjoy I'd be open to making another one.

Let me know if you have any likes or dislikes :)

~ J

"What the hell happened?"

Both jets were in the air now, flying side by side above the canyon. They were on course to the boat now, but there was just one problem. If they approached the boat in these F-14's, they would most likely get shot down due to being mistaken for enemy aircrafts. Or if they somehow knew it was them, they couldn't communicate that they didn't have their front landing gear. A curtesy from the bridge that was blocking their path.

"Rooster, see if you can get in touch with the boat." Maverick called out to his RIO from the front. Although the radio was on (after Ava yelled at him because he kept flipping the wrong breaker) the only people they could hear were each other.

Rooster began searching around the back seat, looking for anything that might be useful. Meanwhile Skywalker's and Maverick's heads were facing forward, focusing on their surroundings. Which meant that only person who noticed the Bandits that were below them was Hangman. 

"Uh guys. We got Bandits in bound. Two o'clock low." Skywalker instantly shifted her gaze to where Hangman had called out. Sure enough, there they were, moving in closer to the two F-14's.

"What do we do, Mav?" Rooster's voice sounded slightly panicked. Meanwhile, Ava kept her gaze trained on the bandits which were almost directly vertical to her jet.

"Put your masks on, and smile and wave." Ava heard the sound of Hangman clipping his mask to his helmet as he looked nervously out the window. Hangman wasn't very good at being a RIO, he always felt that he had to be in control. And since he wasn't, he was freaking the fuck out as he waved anxiously to the Bandits beside them. 

Meanwhile, both Maverick and Ava signalled to the pilots that their radio was out.

In response, one of the pilots began to do some hand signals which none of the pilots knew. Each of them asking each other and none of them know the answer. Although they tried to be inconspicuous, they failed, miserably. 

"Shit. They're moving into a weapons envelope." Maverick cursed under his breath. Ava felt her breath hitch at his words, remembering what happened the last time the two of them went up against other jets.

"Can we outrun these guys, Mav?" Ava asked, not wanting to fight incase things ended horribly.

"Not their weapons and guns." Ava cursed under her breath at Maverick's response, leaning her head back against her seat. She was terrified. She didn't want to lose anyone, she couldn't go through that again. She took a deep breath, steadying her heart rate as she brought herself back to the present. 

She was ready to fight.

 "Then it's a dogfight." Apparently so was Hangman as he spoke the words absentmindedly, staring out the cockpit at the Bandit beside them.

"Against fifth gen fighters?" Maverick asked, a hint of sarcastic laughter in his voice. 

"It's not the plane, it's the pilot." Rooster repeated the same words back to the Captain that he'd been telling them the entire mission prep. "You'd go after them if we weren't here."

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