Chapter 5. A New Hope

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"Hey, I don't wanna walk in on you jerking off ." ~ N.P.T

"Skywalker, we need to eject!" Shark yelled as Skywalker tried to extinguish the fire in the jet engines. "Just a little longer, I can fix this." She shouted in response as she proceeded to kill the engines one more time, trying to get rid of the fire. 

No luck. 

"Skywalker, if we don't eject now we are going to go up in flames!" Shark yelled, panic laced in his voice. "Shit! Alright. Eject, Eject!" The pair ejected out of the jet as it exploded shortly after.

Skywalker's parachute stopped her fall as she let out a sigh of relief. However, Sharks malfunctioned and didn't open. Skywalker watched in horror as her RIO, best friend, and the love of her life, fell to his death. And there was nothing she could do to stop it. "Devon!" She let out a blood curtailing scream as she slowly decended to the ground. All she could do now was cry as she waited to be gently placed back on the Earth's surface.



Ava woke up in a cold sweat as she opened her eye's and sat up in her bed, gasping for air. She took a moment to slow her breathing, covering her face with her hands. She sniffled and wiped the tears from her face as she slowly brought her hands from her face. She looked over at her alarm clock which was still blaring. It was 9am and Ava had to open up shop in 2 hours.

Ava stepped out of bed and hopped in the shower. She kept trying to distract herself from the nightmare, but Devon kept popping into her mind. She wasn't responsible for the death of her Fiancé, not by a long shot. But some days were harder than others, and she often blamed herself.

When she stepped out of the shower, she looked at her phone. The dream quickly fading from her memory as she noticed she had a text from Rooster.

Can't wait to see you tonight <3

Ava smiled and put her phone to her chest. The smile quickly faded when she remembered the dream she'd had. She knew that she'd have to tell Rooster about her past eventually, but she wasn't ready yet. 

Pushing the thought away, she looked back at her phone and texted him back.

Me neither :) I picked out a movie btw.

She put her long purple hair up in the towel as she threw on a robe and started to brush her teeth when she heard her phone go off again.

Oh? Care to share?

She smiled again, this time completely forgetting about the nightmare. After she finished brushing her teeth, she picked her phone up and responded.

Nope. It's a surprise ( ;

Ava put her phone down and started getting ready for the rest of the day. She pulled her purple hair back into a messy bun. Threw on an old pair of jeans and a black tank top before heading out the door, ready to work for the day.


Since it was a weekend, Rooster didn't have any training to do. So instead, he and Phoenix decided to head down to the beach while he waited for Ava's work day to be over. 

Rooster heard a knock at his door and without looking, he already knew who it was.

"You know, I think we're at a point where we don't need to knock anymore!" He yelled to the person on the other side of the door. Phoenix entered as she gave him a smirk. "Hey, I don't wanna walk in on you jerking off to a photo of Ava." She said as she closed the door behind her.

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