late night fun

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hi:) this is eddie x male reader just so you know

smut ahead😏

Your POV

It was dark outside. I wasn't able to sleep because of the heavy rain outside so i just tossed and turned on my bed with my comfy blanket. My parents had left some days ago for business so i had the house all to myself. It was Friday night, everyone from my school was probably partying and having fun and i was doing nothing at all.

My mind started to wander. i started thinking about my boyfriend, eddie, we met two years ago when i moved to Hawkins, and we became really good friends, but i guess we both wanted more, so here we were. I started to daydream about his strong hands and his adorable smile and about how sweet and gentle he was with me. i thought about the way he squeezes my thighs whenever i sit in the passenger's seat or the way he kisses my neck when we're just making out.

My mind kept wandering and i found my hand slowly heading for my pajama pants. I threw the blanket that was on me next to me so i was just laying there on my bed. I slowly pulled down my pants and underwear and my erection jumped up. I started to jerk myself off while laying on my bed and covering my face with my pajama top. I kept moaning louder and louder and i kept thinking of him. I moaned even louder when i was about to hit my orgasm.

"well well well" i heard a familiar voice say in a low seductive tone.

"Eddie?! Wh-what are you doing here?" I covered myself as fast as possible with the blanket, trying to pretend that nothing had happened. 

Eddie had climbed into my room through the open window, i guessed there wasn't much to cover up...

"don't pretend like you weren't doing anything, i saw you jerking yourself off, i bet you were thinking of me" he smirked and walked closer to me.

"i d-don't know what you're talking about ed, i was just...uh looking at the...ceiling and thinking about...joining your cult thingy." shity excuse, i know. But i had to turn down any suspicion.

"Oh really, you were huh?" he smirked again making me blush

"Yeah that's what i was doing" i quickly say.

he came closer to me and leaned in to kiss me.

"then why...are you covering up, huh bunny?" he said and took away the blanket just so he could see my dick dripping cum in my pants. I squealed and tried to hide it but he grabbed my hands, and pined them on top of my head while i was forced to lay down. I could feel his left knee rubbing my dick slowly and i moaned to the sensation. 

"hmm? you like that?" he asked with a low voice

" oh god yes" was all i could say. He let go of my hands and we both rushed to get any clothes on us off except our underwear. Once we had stripped i kissed him, his tongue forcing its way in my mouth. I could feel his erection on my crotch. I got off the bed and sat on my knees, i took of his underwear to reveal his big dick😳.

"holy shit..." i muttered thinking he hadn't heard me but he had...

"wait until i'm inside you bunny" he said and smirked.

i leaned down to his dick and licked the tip while massaging the base.

"bunny please don't tease" he moaned

I fit as much of it as i could in my mouth and used my hands for the rest. His moans and whimpers were music to my ears and encouraged me to try going faster.

"Oh god baby, yes, i'm so close" he moaned and that was my cue to stop.

"hey why did you stop" he whined.

" i didn't get to cum, so you don't get to cum" i simply say while taking off my underwear, grabbing a condom and putting it on his dick.

" i thought you said you weren't doing anything..." he smirked again. He pulled my up into his lap and we started making out. I started to grind on his dick and kiss his neck. We flopped on my bed and he lifted my legs while nipping on my sensitive nipples.

"do you want this? we can stop if you want" he asked.

" No please, i need this, i need you inside of me please!" i moaned. 

I could feel his throbbing cock enter me. When he was all in he let me adjust. When i was ready he started off slow but then went faster the moment i started moaning. His thrusts were fast and deep. I could feel him in my tummy, abusing my prostate.

"It feels so good!" i moaned. His hand reached down to my dick and started to rub me off. His lips met my neck and collarbone and he left different colored hickeys everywhere. His thrusts became even faster and my moans became louder. 

"i'm so close!" i moaned and arched my back.

"Me too bunny" he moaned in my ear. 

I was so close, i could feel my legs shaking and my eyes closing. I came on my and eddie's stomach and a few moments later he also came deep in me. He lay down on my chest and we both took a few deep breaths before looking into each other's eyes. 

"I love you so much baby" he whispered

"I love you too" I whispered back and kissed him once again.

~the end~

This was so much fun to write! anyway thanks for reading!

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