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this is nb reader

TW: the reader pukes a couple of times



It was a typical day, as usual, I was eating lunch at the school cafeteria when I felt someone poke my shoulder. It was steve!

"Hey Y/N!" He said excitedly.     

 "Hey Steve!" I said mimicking his excitement. He playfully hit my shoulder and continued talking.

"are you going to (pretend there's a random person's name here) party tonight?" He asked, placing one arm on the table.         

 "I don't know, maybe, I haven't asked my parents yet" I said while playing with my food.

"aww c'mon Y/N you never party, I'm sure you're parents will say yes!" He whined.

"fine, I'll ask when I go home, happy now?"      

 "very" He said and flashed me a childish smile. I laughed a bit and finished my food.

(time skip to the end of the school day)

I walked to the parking lot finding my mother's car.

"Hey mom!"          

"Hey love" She gave me a small hug and got in the car. After a couple of minutes of driving, I asked her.

"Hey mom, umm there's this party going on tonight, would you mind if I went, I mean I thought that like I never go out so I guess it would be a nice idea..." I mumbled and looked at her.

"Of course sweety, nothing to worry about, I have to work anyway tonight." She said i and I couldn't help but smile.

(time skip to the party)

I arrived quite early there. I walked through the big red doors to this huge house, it was truly mesmerizing. After a while, everyone arrived and really loud music started to play. I went to the kitchen to get a drink and I drank about five cups of what looked like some kind of juice. I was probably too drunk to realize that that wasn't juice. After my like 8th drink, steve slowly approached me.

"Y/N you came!" He said happily and hugged me.          

 "Hi steve!!!" I said and fell into his arms      

"Y/N are you drunk?" He asked and tried to look at me.    

"No!!!!" I yelled loud enough for a few people to turn around and look at me. I heard someone calling steve.

"Ok listen, stay here, I'll be right back" He said and disappeared into the crowd. At the corner of my eye, I could see someone sitting on a sofa, in a room where no one was in except him. I turned around to get a good look at him, it was eddie munson! I have to admit I did have a huge crush on him, I couldn't help myself. We were really good friends and we hung out almost every day. I stumbled towards him and sat down next to him.        

"Y/N? what are you doing here?" He asked surprised.

"Well I don't know, what are you doing here?" I giggled and hit his chest lightly.

"Are you drunk??"He asked sounding a bit concerned.

"Why does everyone say that?..." I whined and scooted closer to him, laying my head down on his shoulder. He lifted his hand and placed it on my waist, slowly massaging it.

"Are you feeling ok?" He asked concerned. I didn't have time to answer, I ran to the bathroom and puked in the toilet. Eddie was right behind me, he rushed to me and hugged me from behind. With one of his hands, he pulled back my hair, and with the other held my hand. He rested his head on my back. After my stomach had calmed down, I stood up and drank water from the sink.

"I'm getting you out of here, ok?"           

"My mom isn't home tho..." I said and looked at him  

"Then you can come over to my place, ok sweetheart?" he asked and rubbed my back.

"Thank you ed" He helped me walk to his van, and he opened the door for me and helped me sit down. He got in and started driving slowly. We arrived at his place, He picked me up and carried me inside. He placed me on his bed and laid a blanket on me. 

He left to go to the kitchen and he came back with water, painkillers for the morning, and some other stuff. He sat down beside me and looked at me. He placed a hand on my cheek and kissed my forehead. 

"Are you feeling any better?" he asked hopefully.

"I think so..." i whispered. 

"Good to hear" he smiled innocently. He got up to leave but i grabbed his leg and pulled him back down.

"Don't go, ok?" I mumbled and he laid down beside me.

"I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart" He whispered, He leaned in closer and gently kissed my lips. I kissed back. We broke apart and looked into each other's eyes. I scooted closer to him and we peacefully fell asleep. 


Idk if i really like this one tbh but thanks for reading!!!!!! 

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