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hello:) title is shit, i couldn't come up with anything better.

this is male reader fyi


requested by kaililikesboba


It had been raining all day. I was in my last class when all the lights went off suddenly. Loud screams could be heard from every class. Once the bell rang everyone ran outside holding umbrellas, unfortunately, I didn't have one cuz I lent mine to my mother who had to go to work. 

Anyway, I walked out of the school, slowly getting soaked. That's when I realized that I didn't have a ride home and I would probably catch a terrible cold. I was almost completely wet when a heard someone yelling my name.

"Y/N! Y/NN!!!" I turned around to see eddie in his van, screaming at the top of his lungs from his open window. I ran to his van and greeted him with a kiss.

"Quickly get in, it's freezing outside!" He said. I got in and he handed me a towel. 

"thanks ed" i smiled at him, he smiled back and he started driving.

"Hey umm I don't think we're going to make it to your place, it's raining too much, would umm would you like to just crash at mine?" he asked.

"uh sure if it's ok..." 

"of course sweetheart" he smiled and rubbed my thigh. We arrived at the trailer park, he parked his van and we both ran inside while laughing. He opened the door for me and I asked if I could go take a shower. He said yes and I quickly entered the bathroom. I showered rather quickly but then i remembered that I had forgotten to ask for a towel so I just opened the door enough for my head to go through.

"Hey, eddie...could you give me a towel?" I asked. He turned his head to look at me and closed his eyes. I laughed as he quickly tried to find a towel to give me. I thanked him and closed the door. I dried myself and wrapped the towel around my waist and got out. 

"Hey, I'm really sorry. Do you maybe have anything I could wear that is not wet?"  I laughed as his face went completely red. He rushed to his dresser and picked up a Hellfire club shirt and tossed it to me.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I have any...umm underwear" he said while looking at his feet. I giggled and thanked him for the shirt. I put his shirt on and sat on his bed. He sat next to me and placed his hand on my thigh.

"Thank you for letting me stay ed" 

"No problem bunny" he smiled and kissed me deeply. That quickly turned into a makeout session. We laid down on his bed, my hands traveling in his pretty hair. His lips met my neck and he softly kissed down to my collarbone. We took off all our clothes and stared a bit into each other's eyes. He touched my cheek and pulled me into a tender kiss. I wrapped my hands around his neck while his hands were exploring my back and waist. We pulled away for a second to breathe, his hands massaged my inner thighs and he giggled at the result.

"Do you want this baby?" he asked. I nodded quickly, he opened a condom and put it on. I laid down and he bent my knees and slowly entered. We looked into each other's eyes before making out once again. His thrusts were slow yet satisfying. I moaned his name as he whimpered next to me.

"It feels so good eddie, don't stop" I moaned louder as his thrusts became faster. I arched my back, i could feel his hungry eyes on me. My dick started to throb, i was so close. His thrusts became sharper, he swayed his hips, hitting my prostate right away.

"God eddie I'm so close!"

"Me too bunny" He grunted and kissed me. we both came at the same time. Eddie took out his dick and took off the condom. I whimpered at the feeling f being empty. he smiled and laid back next to me as his arms wrapped themselves around me. We looked at each other and i scooted closer to him, admiring his face.

"i love you ed" i whispered.

"i love you too" he whispered back and smiled.


707 words.  I hope this was ok, tell me in the comments, and thnx for reading:)

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