lover's lake

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this is nb reader!


requested by Untitlednobody


I was chilling on my bed while reading a new comic when I heard my mom yell my name from downstairs.

"Pumpkin, come down, there's someone on the phone for you, they said it's important!" She yelled. I rushed downstairs and I was greeted by her warm smile. She handed me the phone and left the room. I took a deep breath before answering.

"Hello?" I asked the person on the other line.

"hey there pumpkin"

"jesus eddie" I told him, I knew he was smirking right now, I was 100% sure he just wanted to mess with me.

"and don't call me that," I whispered trying to keep in my giggles.

"why not, pumpkin?" he teased me again.

"Just tell me what you want"

"ok, ok, I was thinking that maybe you and I could go on a little date today, I miss you, a lot," he said and chuckled.

"I miss you too and I would love to go out with you" I slid down the wall and buried my face in my knees.

"I'll come to pick you up around 7, I know a great place we could go to" 

"That's great, I'll see you then!" I said trying to hide my excitement. I could hear his excitement over the phone, we said our goodbyes and hung up. I got up and entered the kitchen to tell my mom that I was going to go out, she just nodded and smiled at me. I rushed up to my room and tried to find something to wear.

Time skip to eddie arriving

I heard a knock on the door and sprinted down the stairs to open the door before my mom could.

"Bye, mom!" I yelled and heard her say it back. I closed the door and looked behind me, eddie was standing right behind me. He pulled me into a warm, tight embrace and kissed my head, telling me how much he had missed me and how excited he was. I couldn't help but smile at his adorableness. We got in his van and left.

"hey I got a question, where exactly are we going?" I asked and looked at him.

"well I was thinking of going to lover's lake, we could watch the sunset, look at the stars, stuff like that..." he said sounding a bit shy. My heart was pounding.

"You're so adorable," I said, reached over to him, and kissed his cheek. He blushed a deep red and stayed quiet. When we arrived and got out of the van, eddie held my hand. He had also brought a basket full of snacks and a bit of alcohol. We walked into the forest when we found a wooden picnic table. We put our stuff down and sat down next to each other while holding hands.

"I'm glad you agreed on seeing me," he said as he played with my fingers.

"Me too" I leaned in and connected our lips. He kissed back immediately and his hands pulled me in by my waist. We broke the kiss and laughed for a while before eddie got up from his seat and approached the water. I walked behind him and when he stopped, my arms slithered around him as I placed my head on his back. I could feel his hands touching mine, intertwining our fingers together.

"Y/N look," he said calmly. I looked to see the sun going down behind the trees. I stood beside eddie to get a better view and although I could feel his gaze upon me I continued staring at the beautiful sight in front of me. Eddie placed his hand on my shoulder and pulled me closer, resting his head against mine.

The sun had set and the stars had started to show. After a couple of moments, millions of stars could be seen across the sky and I couldn't help but look up at them. We laid down on the ground and stared at the sky, telling each other stories from our lives.

I sat up and looked at eddie who looked back at me. I leaned down to kiss his pink, soft lips and he kissed back once again. His hand traveled from my neck into my hair, and my hand rested on his chest. We pulled away slowly and smiled.

"Thank you," I said quietly

"for what?" he giggled.

"for everything," I said and laid on his chest. I could feel his heart beating faster. I looked up at him.

"I love you" I whispered and watched him smile.

"I love you too, so so very much" he whispered back and pulled me up, next to him. He booped my nose and we both continued to watch the starts.


769 words! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you like this one! also thank you for 320 reads!!!!!!❤️

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