my favorite boy

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hello :)

this was requested by HokkaidoAtItsFinest 

!trans! male reader x eddie

fluff with a bit of angst

WARNING: transphobia and bullying

disclaimer : the song I chose has nothing to do with this chapter, I just think that it fits. I was listening to it on repeat while writing this so I decided to include it.


I was chilling with steve and robin during lunchtime, we were in a deep conversation when the bell rang, scaring the shit out of robin and me. Steve laughed at us and stood up to leave while shaking his head. Me and robin giggled before also standing up to go. 

Although as I was walking out of the cafeteria, I cursed myself and stood still, remembering that I had PE that period. I said goodbye to robin and steve and joined the group of pupils at the basketball court. 

I never really liked playing basketball but I got to see eddie more so I didn't complain. Me and eddie had been going out for about 6 months. I had told him I was trans and he was very supportive and understanding, but he was the only one that knew.

time skip after PE in the boys locker room. 

I was changing my clothes, my face facing the locker. It was the first time that I had to change there, the other times eddie would help me get changed behind the school but it was raining like crazy that day.

Eddie was sitting on a bench against the wall, he looked rather distressed, he kept looking around and then back at me to make sure nobody would be able to see. But there were two boys running around the room, pushing everyone, making a mess generally. Then all of a sudden one of the boys used me as a 'shield' to hide from the other, making my scars visible to the him.

The boy gasp and held back a laugh, the other one behind me looked confused and turned me around, revealing my naked torso to everyone in the room. Eddie looked around confused and his eyes widened when he everyone staring at me.

"what the fuck is that?" I heard someone whisper. A few laughs could be heard through out the room.

"that's fucking disgusting" someone else said a bit louder. I stood still, frozen, not knowing what to do. I could only feel tears form in my eyes as jason approached me with a smirk.

"This locker room is for boys only, girls aren't allowed" He pridefully said and looked around. He started laughing when everyone else did. They surrounded me, calling me names, but I couldn't stop them, like someone had stolen my voice. I simply couldn't do anything but stand there and let the tears flow down my cheeks.

"aww look at that, we hurt her feelings" Jason said pleased. The boys around him made disgusting noises and blured out random slurs. 

Her. The word echoed in my mind but i didn't think, I let my body do as it pleased. I swang a punch at jason, hard enough for him to fall down. he stumbled backwards hitting his back at the bench and letting out a groan. 

Eddie rushed to me and held both of my arms. He grabbed my shirt and together we left the room. We walked out of the school. Eddie was holding me like I was dying. His tight grip on my arms did hurt a bit but at least a felt safer. 

"You won't get away with this, stupid bitch!" Jason yelled. He had run behind us but stopped when he realized he wouldn't be able to catch up to us since we were already in eddie's van. Eddie drove away quickly, making me jump a little. I didn't know what to do so I just let more tears flow down my cheeks. 

Eddie drove to a park that seemed abandoned. He took a deep breath before getting out. I got out too, closing the door and walking towards the swing, were eddie was sitting. I sat on one but stayed silent, not trusting my own voice.

"I'm so sorry this happened Y/N. Th-those boys are idiots! they don't know what they are talking about! Y/n, You are the single greatest, most amazing, sweetest and-and caring person I have ever met. You actually might be my favorite person, my favorite boy, in the world." He whispered as he held my hands in his and looked me in the eyes. 

"And i will, Y/N I will always love you no matter who you choose to be. I will love you no matter what." He leaned in closer and held my chin with his warm hand.

"you are my boy, you've always been a boy in my eyes know that, and no matter what those jerks say, never, never change, ok?" He was now fully cupping my cheeks, as my tears flowed down his hands I couldn't help but smile and kiss him.

His soft lips carresed mine and both of our hands tried to connect our bodies even more. Our lips locked perfectly, and I didn't want to pull away. But had to at some point to breathe. We both looked down, smiling. 

"thank you, for everything, Eddie. You have no idea how much you mean to me man. I c-can't describe how much I love you, inside out. You make me feel special and wanted and, god, I want to make you feel like that too." I whispered. At this point we were both crying, but they were happy tears.

Eddie turned to look at me, his puppy-dog eyes teary.

"You do. You do make me feel like that, everyday, since the day I met you." he added. We looked at each other and took a few deep breaths before giggling a bit. We looked straight forwards, staring at the forest before us. I rested my head on his shoulder and interwined out fingers. 

He kissed the top of my head and rubbed circles on my hand with his thumb. I couldn't help but smile and feel extremely lucky to have him in my life and be able to cherish him everyday. 


985 words.

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! It was so much fun to write and hopefully, it's satisfactory. ayways thanks for reading❤️

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