a delightful morning

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hello :)

this is nb reader

and I even picked out a song that I think kinda goes well with this chapter, tbh I had many options but I chose that one. Also, I'll start putting songs in all of the chapters cause it's fun:)



It was a beautiful Saturday morning. A gentle breeze slipped into eddie's room from the window, making me shiver and wake at last. I pulled the sheets off of me and got out of bed. While rubbing my eyes I walked into the bathroom to wash up. After doing so, I left the bathroom and went to the kitchen.

There was eddie, wearing an apron, his hair tied up and a mixing bowl in hand. He hadn't noticed me, so I sneaked behind him and as he stood above the sink I slithered my arms around his waist and torso. He let out a small, surprised gasp before turning his head to look at me. I closed my eyes and tightened my grip around his waist. He put down the mixing bowl and cleaned his hands with a towel. I slowly untangled my hands as he turned around. He had a gentle smile on his face, his hands crept up to my cheeks and gave them a little squeeze.

"good morning, my sweetheart" he kindly said.

"morning" I smiled and wrapped my hands around his pale neck. I connected our lips for a few seconds. It was a gentle and pure kiss, not passionate just meaningful. We pulled away and smiled at each other once again.

"How did you sleep?" He said as he got back to what he was doing.

"just fine, you?" I sat down on a chair and yawned a bit. He glanced at me and chuckled.

"perfectly, I mean, you were there, so..." he said, making me giggle. He walked closer to me and placed another kiss on my lips.

"I'm making pancakes," he said

"Awesome! thank you eddie" I said in a sweeter and more childish tone. He chuckled as he poured the mix into a pan. 

"how long have you been awake? I mean it's like...what time is it?" I questioned cluelessly. He let out a small breathy laugh before looking over at the counter where he had left his watch.

"9.30," he said.

"damn, really? wow" I was confused as to why I had woken up so early, I usually get up around 12 on days like these. We made some more small talk before breakfast was ready. Eddie sat down next to me, giving me a plate of fluffy pancakes. He waited for me to give them a try.

"holy shit, these are really good!" I laughed. "I mean how?" I looked up at him.

"A magician never reveals his secrets, my dear." He joked. He had a peaceful time eating breakfast, we joked around and talked about what exactly we wanted to do that day since we had both gotten up early. We decided to go back to bed and rest a bit more, afterward we would go to lover's lake and meet up with the rest of our friends. 

When we walked back to his room, he laid down on the bed and lifted the sheets for me. I sat down and laid next to him. He covered me up with the sheets and looked at me. I turned around to look at him and felt his hands wrap themselves around my waist as he buried his head in the crook of my neck. I tangled our legs together and kissed his head. 

"I'm really glad I get to spend more time with you" He mumbled. He looked up at me and laid right in front of me. We looked into each other's eyes and0 I placed my hand on his warm cheek.

"I'm really glad too,  and honestly I wouldn't want to spend that time with anyone else" I felt my cheeks heat up. He smiled at me and kissed me. Our eyes closed and we cuddled up in each other's arms. We slowly pulled away, eyes still closed, legs still tangled. We both fell asleep, safe and sound in each other's arms.  


645 words.

This one was very cute and very fun to write! I hope you enjoyed it! thank you for reading!❤️

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