first date

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this is nb reader



It was a cloudy morning, I was laying in my bed and just looking at the ceiling when I was pulled out of my thoughts by small rocks hitting my window. I got up only to hear more rocks thrown at my window. I stumbled across dirty clothes that were on the floor but made it to the window without falling. 

I had woken up like 10 minutes ago so I was still pretty sleepy. I looked outside my window only to see eddie, who was holding a bunch of rocks. I chuckled as he quickly walked near a tree and put down all the little rocks he had collected. He came back and looked up at me.

"good morning" I said and smiled.

"good morning sweetheart" he let out a breathy chuckle.

"Why are you out there?, you know you could have called or just knocked on the front door" I said.

"yeah well, I think this is much more romantic," he said softly as he fidgeted with his hands.

"Anyway, i came here to...i wanted...i want to take you out on that date i had promised you a while ago, IF you want, of course" he said and his tone lightened a bit.

"aww eddie, I'd absolutely love to"

"t-that's great! I'll...I'll pick you at 7ish?" he said unsure.

"Great!" I replied quickly. I watched him get in his van and blow me a kiss as he drove away. I waved and giggled before closing my window and getting back into my comfy bed.

time skip to Y/N getting ready

I had picked out the perfect outfit for tonight's date(too lazy to go into detail lol)let's just say it was pretty casual. I brushed my teeth and styled my hair and I even put on some perfume. I was putting on my shoes when I heard someone knocking on the front door. I skipped enthusiastically towards the door and opened it. There stood eddie, holding a pretty bouquet and having the most adorable look on his face.

"Hi" I exclaimed

"Hi" We both laughed a bit.

"you look really pretty" He smiled

"aw, you really think so?" I could feel my cheeks growing warmer.

"Of course" He reassured me quickly

"thank you" I smiled, "you look very handsome too" I watched him get a bit flustered. He gently pushed the bouquet towards me and i swiftly took it from his hands. I brought it up to my nose to inhale their fresh and charming scent. I rushed inside and slid them in a pretty vase with water. I grabbed my bag and went back to the door.

"shall we get going?" He jokingly said in a deep voice and brought up his hand for me to take.  I laughed and placed my hand on his. We walked to his van and got in. While he drove I asked him where exactly we were going and he said it was a surprise. We talked and joked for the rest of the ride until we arrived at a very cute ice cream shop. We got out of his van and entered the small shop. It was very well designed and it's walls were decorated with beautiful colors. I looked down and smiled thinking about how romantic eddie actually was. 

There were many ice cream options to pick from so i just chose my favorite one. Eddie took a few minutes to think before choosing caramel. We payed and sat outside at one of the shops tables to enjoy our ice creams. When we finished we visited some of the shops in the area, such as a book store, a music shop and even an antique store, for some reason. We had a blast and got some pretty cool stuff. 

After a while, eddie told me that we should go back to his van, because he wanted to show me something else. We got to his van and got in again. He drove for about 10 minutes to a cliff. He parked with the back of his van facing the view. I got out and looked around. The sun was setting, the sky was a beautiful color and i was even able to spot the sea from far away. We sat at the back of his van and stared at the sky.

"did you have fun today?" He asked quietly.

"absolutely, I had an amazing time," I looked at him.

"me too" he smiled

"I'm glad we did this" I turned to look back at the view.

"I'm also glad i got to witness you being cute and romantic" I joked and at the corner of my eye I saw eddie blush and smile at himself. After a bit, silence took over and we both didn't dare to break it. It wasn't an awkward silence, It was more comfortable and chill. 

The sun had set and all the stars could be seen in the sky, as well as all the little lights of the town. There was a chill breeze that caught us off guard but it wasn't strong enough to bother us. 

"We should do this again sometime" eddie broke the silence with his soft voice.

"definitely, but next time i want to surprise you" We both giggled and continued staring at the sight before us. 


862 words.

this was so fun to write! Thank you for reading and  I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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