don't ignore me

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hello again :)

this is male reader as per usual

smut (I promise I'll write fluff too😭someday)


I was walking down the street, approaching a pharmacy. I wanted to get some medicine because I had woken up with the worst headache I had ever encountered. I was confused as to what had caused the headache but then I remembered staying up all night, watching TV and talking on my walkie-talkie to Dustin. 

I entered the shop and was met with a lovely old lady who kindly smiled at me as I walked closer to her. She ended up selling me painkillers and advised me to drink more water and preferably stay away from the sun.

As I was walking back to my home I remembered something I saw on the TV the night before. I had accidentally come across a random channel, a woman was talking stuff(😭). The woman was advising someone, saying how you can 'seduce' your partner in a different way. (bro please😭)

For some reason, I kept watching, listening to what she had to say until I had fallen asleep, completely forgetting about Dustin(lol).

Anyway, after remembering that, I had an idea and luckily for me, I walked to my house to see Eddie's van parked outside. Perfect opportunity. The door was slightly open and I could hear footsteps going up the stairs. I followed the sound into my room and saw him sitting on my bed.

"Y/N, hey! You wouldn't answer the door so... I just figured I'd let myself in, I guess...that sounds weird" he said. I walked over to my desk and put down the small bag as I smirked to myself.

"what's ya got there?" He smiled, stood up, and walked toward me. His hands slithered around my waist and he buried his head in my neck, slowly kissing my shoulder. 

"Why did you buy painkillers," He asked and looked up at me confused. 

"headache?" He took them from my hand and examined them.

"Hello, earth to Y/N" He said right next to my ear and lightly knocked on my head like I was a door. 

"Why are you ignoring me?!" He whined like a little child and grabbed my waist to shake me a tad. He stopped and sighed and grabbed me by my chin to make me look at him. He didn't say anything, he just looked at me. After a while, his eyes trailed down to my lips and as he stared at them he leaned in. 

He connected our lips, His tongue playing with mine. The kiss got heated very quickly and I could feel my mouth grow hotter. He pulled away and looked at me again with his pretty, puppy-dog eyes. 

"nothing? seriously?" He groaned and pushed me onto my bed. He fell to his knees in front of the bed and quickly took off my pants. I couldn't say anything, I didn't even know what was going on until I felt my underwear being taken off of me and my half-erected dick jump up.

He looked at me as he slowly jerked me off and took my tip in his mouth. I could feel my face grow redder and hotter, his hungry eyes were on me as he put it all in his mouth and bobbed his head while massaging my thighs. It was so hard to keep back my moans, I had to bite my hand to keep me from letting them out. But then I started to feel something against my exposed hole.

Two of his fingers were deep within me, thrusting in and out at a pace fast enough to make me cum after 1 minute.

His tongue glided over my tip making me arch my back and cum in his mouth. I silently panted and laid down. Eddie gripped my thighs and parted them more than they already were. He climbed on the bed, removed his hands from my thighs, and used them to pin my hands down on the mattress. He leaned down and kissed me again, opening my mouth with his tongue.

While still pinning my hands, he removed one hand to take off his pants and somehow actually managed to do it. His hard cock sprung up, hitting my thigh. Suddenly my legs got bent, my hole completely exposed to him, I couldn't help but blush even deeper feeling very embarrassed.

My legs rested on his shoulders as I waited for him to put on a condom, My eyes trailed down his pale torso, admiring every detail on his body as I tried not to smile. When he put it on he aligned himself with my hole and he slowly entered with a grunt. Slowly his thrusts grew faster and sharper.

"FUCK!" I moaned, I couldn't hold it in anymore. My hands held his shoulders and I moaned out his name like it was the only word I knew. 

"Well well well, look who finally decided to speak" he chuckled. He kept on thrusting trying to find my prostate. He bent down and buried his head in my neck, kissing my shoulder and neck.

"Ahh! eddie fuck! God! it feels so good!" My hands roamed his back, leaving possible scratches. After a while, my moans became lewder and I was completely unable to form words.

"Yeah, now you can't talk cause I'm fucking you so good, huh?" He mocked and kissed my lips. I could feel my eyes water and eddie noticed that after pulling away. His thrusts became more gentle and deep. He placed kisses all over my face, and his thrusts became more sloppy yet still satisfying. 

"I'm so close baby, so close." He whispered in my ear and grasped my thighs once more. 

"me too" I managed to say. My back arched, and so did his. I closed my eyes tightly as I came on my stomach, feeling eddie come in me. We both let out a few more moans before he pulled out and laid on my warm chest. We were both breathing heavily, My heart was beating so fast, Eddie put his ear on the left side of my chest so he could hear it more clearly. 

"damn..." he smiled and looked up at me. Honestly, at that moment, I felt like any word wouldn't be able to describe how I felt right there and then. Eddie changed position and laid next to me looking deeply into my eyes. 

It was like we were talking with our eyes, no word could mean as much as we wanted it to mean so we choose to lie in silence while holding hands. I scooted closer to him until our foreheads and noses were touching. In that position, we laid there for almost the entire day, appreciating each other's presence and company. 


1115 words.

I hope you liked this chapter, I honestly can't tell if I like it or not, thanks for reading anyway tho!❤️sorry if this is cringy, I tried my best to make it as bearable as possible, You have no idea how many times I had to stop writing to laugh at what I was writing lol.

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