beach day

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hello :]

trans!male reader x eddie


btw in here, I haven't mentioned that the reader and eddie are dating but FYI they are.


School's finally closed for the summer. The hot weather made it impossible to resist going to the beach, where everyone was. The thought of going to the beach kept my mind busy as I swirled my cereal around with a spoon, sitting at the kitchen table. 

I was so deep in thought that I didn't even hear my mom calling my name. I heard footsteps coming closer, making me look up at the woman that was now standing before me. She sighed, patted my back, and sat next to me. 

"You're thinking about going to the beach hun?" she calmly asked.

"yeah, a bit" I looked back at her. She knew what my problem was, she knew I was too embarrassed and too scared, but she also knew that she couldn't talk me out of that fright. We sat back in silence, I looked out the window, seeing such a clear sky made me think that maybe I should just suck it up and just go, but, still, my bones wouldn't move. 

"Listen, There's a beach a little further out of Hawkins, me and my friends used to go there, I'm pretty sure no one knows about it. Call your friends, I guarantee you that no one will be there." She gave me a gentle smile while rubbing circles on my back.

"thank you, mom" I smiled back at her and got up from my seat. I approached the phone and dialed the Byler's phone number, talked to nancy, and she said yes to coming with me and that she would talk to the others for me.

The last person to call was eddie. He, out of all my other friends, was the most supportive. When I talked to him he sounded excited when I told him that we have a new place to go whenever we wanted.

He said that he would pick me up at ten so I hung up and went to my room to change. I didn't even think of glancing at the mirror, I put my stuff in a bag and left the house. Waiting outside, I watched some birds hop on different branches of a tree while singing.

A little bit after, Eddie arrived in his van, I swiftly made my way to the passenger seat and sat down. We greeted each other with a simple good morning and a smile and drove away from my house. I told Eddie to go from a different road just so we don't get spotted by anyone and get followed. 

While driving by the sign that had written on it 'you are leaving Hawkins', Eddie spoke up.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?"

"we've come all this way," I said

"I know, but, I can turn back whenever you want to"

"thank you, but I think I'll be okay" I smiled.

We were able to find the beach easily with the help of some additional information my mom had given me. Eddie parked his van behind some thick bushed. Fortunately, the beach was hidden by trees. We walked for a while before seeing the crystal clear waters that were surrounded by trees which created shadows everywhere. 

It was so peaceful.

We didn't want to wait for the others, we placed our stuff on the soft and thin sand. Eddie took off his shirt and walked towards the sea. My hands were stuck on the hem of my shirt. I didn't want to take it off. I guess eddie was confused as to why I wasn't coming with him and he turned around.

"you don't have to take it off" He approached me and held my frozen hands.

"one step at a time" he whispered and wrapped his arm around me. We walked towards the water, I felt the cooling sensation of it surround my body as I went deeper. Eddie stayed by my side, lifting water with his palm to wet his hair. 

"This isn't so bad after all," I thought. I grasped eddies hand as we dove in together. And after coming back up, Eddie kissed my forehead.

"I'm proud of ya' bud"


669 words.

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed this chapter! sorry this is short and bad! I haven't had any inspiration these days.

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