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this is nb reader



I had just woken up to a beautiful Saturday morning, I looked outside my window only to see how much it was raining. The strong wind could easily tear down trees and there was a river forming on the road. I walked down the stairs but before I could even go to the kitchen the phone rang. I quickly picked it up, It was my mom. She wanted to tell me that she wouldn't be able to drive back until late, the rain was too strong and dangerous. 

After a small chat, i hung up and made some breakfast. I decided to go for cereal since i didn't want to go through cooking. I grab a bowl and put in the cereal and then i poured the milk. I sat down in the quiet kitchen until i heard some voices coming from my room. I got up and swiftly made my way up the stairs and into my room. Turns out it was my walkie-talkie, I picked it up and leaned closer to it.

"Hello?" i whispered unintentionally. 

"Y/NNN..." was all the other person said.

"Eddie is that you?" I asked relieved.

"yes...*cough* it's me" he said in a low voice.

"Are you ok?? you sound...terrible" I asked a bit concerned.

"Yes, I'm fineeeeee, i just wanted to know how my favorite person was doing" he sounded so cute but i could easily tell that he was actually sick.

"Ed...I can tell that you're sick, would you like me to come over?" I could hear his adorable whining over the other line.

"sure, that's actually the second reason why i wanted to talk to you..." he mumbled.

"I'll try to be there in 10 but with this rain, it will probably take me a lot longer," I said as i looked for my rain coat.

"It's ok, but be careful, take as much time as you need, and bring snacks" he said in a cute childish voice.

"will do" i giggled and said goodbye. I quickly put on a hellfire club shirt and black sweats, they were the first things i could find lying around. I put on my raincoat, grabbed an umbrella and some money, and got out of the house. I locked the door and started walking towards the closest shop. After picking up some snacks I ran to the trailer park. I rushed to eddie's trailer, put down my umbrella, and knocked on the door. 

A really pale and tired-looking eddie opened the door and when he saw me he smiled and let me in. I took off my raincoat and placed the bags down. I glanced up at eddie, he looked like he was about to pass out. I rushed to him, i placed my hands and his cheek and forehead, he was burning up. He rested his head on my shoulder and i felt most of his weight fall on me. I helped him get to bed and laid him down. I sat on my knees and looked deeply into his eyes before tucking his hair behind his ears. 

"What happened baby?" I said and cupped his warm cheeks. He blushed at the 'pet' name, i could feel his cheeks get even warmer.

"I arrived late last night, we had a game, but i didn't know it was going to rain. By the time we had finished the road was basically a river and i couldn't drive so i had to walk back. I  had no idea that i was going to be feeling like this in the morning" his voice was above a whisper and trembling. His hand rose and with his finger, he pressed on my chest.

"so that's where that went, huh?" he joked and we both laughed.

"thank you for coming here, it's really sweet of you to go through all THAT, just because I'm sick." He looked at me and intertwined our fingers, his tired, delicate eyes were looking into mine.

"no need to thank me, I'm just doing this because i love you" His eyes widened, i don't blame him, it was the first time telling him i loved him. And with that, i left the room to go grab the snacks i had brought for him. Before rentering his room i grabbed a cloth and a bowl and filled it with cold water. I walked into his room, he was staring at me with wide eyes. I picked up a chair and placed it next to his bed. I put the bag next to him and placed the bowl of water on his nightstand.

"y-you love, me?" He said surprised. I dipped the cloth in the water and placed it on his forehead.

"yes, yes i do" I simply replied. He smiled gently and played with my fingers while i tried to readjust the cloth. After fixing it, i looked back at him. His puppy dog eyes were so hard to resist.

"I love you too" he spoke normally this time, slightly embarrassed but still confident. 

"i love you with all my heart" he added. At this point, i just wanted to kiss him, but i had to hold back.

"I really want to kiss you" i admitted and laughed. He smiled at me and grazed his hand on my cheek. I leaned down and connected our lips. It didn't last long, probably because we both didn't want to get me sick, but those few seconds were just magical.

"if i do get sick, i am blaming you"

"fair enough" he giggled.


904 words.

Thank you so much for reading. i hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was fun to write ❤️

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