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requested by Untitlednobody

male reader



It was a Thursday night. Eddie, my boyfriend of some months had come over so we could study for a test together. And I guess we had fallen asleep because when I woke up to a loud bang, my notes were stuck to my face. I move my head over the edge of the bed to see eddie on the floor...well I guess that was the bang.

I giggled as I stood up and tried to shake him awake. He opened his eyes and looked around confused as to why he was laying on the floor. I rubbed his knee and sat down beside him. 

" I on the floor?" he asked absentminded. I tried to hold back my laughter and that's when I remembered. I quickly looked at the clock. 7.46 am.


We both quickly packed up our stuff and ran outside my house. We got into his van and he started driving fast enough for even cops to come to arrest us. During the drive, we revised on what we had studied the previous night.

"Ok don't worry, we'll be fine, we have studied enough," I said panicking. Eddie rubbed circles on my leg to calm me down while he reassured me that I was going to be fine. We arrived just in time, we shared a small goodbye kiss and we both sprinted toward our classes. We met again during lunch and we sat together to eat. We shared our experiences with the test and turns out that I was worried for nothing, it was extremely easy!

"See I told you you didn't have to worry!" He hit my shoulder lightly and continued eating lunch. When the bell rang again, he walked me to my next class for the day.

"Hey umm, do you want to come over to my place after school?" he asked quietly.

"sure!" I hugged him goodbye.

time skip to the end of the school day

I walked out of the school feeling rather tired and Eddie was waiting for me by his van. I approached him quietly and pulled him into a warm embrace. His hands rested on my waist and mine were around his neck, playing with his hair. We broke apart and got in the van. While on the road we made small talk about our day, we talked about what we were going to do on a Friday. We arrived at the trailer park and he parked his van. We got out, stretched a bit, and went inside. I practically ran to his bedroom and flopped down on his bed. I snuggled in his warm covers when I noticed him standing at the door and staring at me.

"Why are you looking at me?" I laughed.

"Because you're cute" he replied simply. I could feel my cheeks warm up. 

"Care to join me, sir?" I scooted closer to the wall and lifted the covers.

"Would be my pleasure" He bowed down making me laugh, took off his shoes, and got in with me. We cuddled for a while until I accidentally brushed my leg against his crotch. He left out a small whimper and moved his hands on my waist. He laid on top of me and buried his face in the crook of my neck. After a bit, I could feel something hard poke my side and it was hard to resist at this point. 

"Please do something about it" he whispered as I turned him over and climbed on top of him. I took off his pants and underwear while he took off his shirt. When he was fully unclothed, I took off my own and threw them on the floor. I crawled over him once again and placed one knee on either side of hiships. With my cold fingers, I slowly grazed his soft chest and stomach feeling him writhe underneath me. His hard cock was dripping with excitement, it looked like it was screaming to be touched. 

"Oh god please Y/N I need you" He begged. I slowly crawl back and on my knees, I started to kiss his deliciously pink tip, listening to him moan and whine. I made my way down to the base of his hard cock while my fingers dug deep into my needy hole.

"Please Y/N stop teasing me, please" He begged once again. I took as much as I could of him in my mouth and used my hands for the rest. His moans flooded my ears. I fasten the pace to both my hands and mouth. One of his hands tugging at my hair and the other one covering his flushed face. I kept moaning while stretching my tight hole, which seemed to send vibrations to his cock.

"Oh god yes right there baby, make me cum, please make me cum" He moaned and arched his pale back. After a few minutes, he came into my mouth and I came on his leg. I sat up and crawled over to his stomach. I picked up a condom and put it on his pulsating cock. I began undulating in slow, deliberate circles,tickling his glistening tip with my wetness, and watched his features tense up. My own dick throbbed whenever our skin came to contact. 

"Oh god eddie, it feels so good in my tummy" I moaned as my hips picked up the pace. He placed his hands on my hips to help me with my balance and I continued to bounce on his cock. I bent down and press my mouth against his warm lips. He opened them and I let his mouth devour mine. My hands traveled across his pale skin making it up to his curly long hair. 

"'m so close, keep going" He moaned in the kiss. I tried going faster but my hips slowed down. It felt so good. I swayed them, feeling his cock reach deeper than before. We both moaned to the sensation. His hands found my throbbing cock and he started to rub it making it impossible for me to keep in my moans. Moans, whines, a couple of inaudible words, and the sound of my ass hitting his stomach were all that could be heard in his room.

After a couple of minutes, we both had orgasms, I came in his hand and he came deep within me, in the condom. He helped me lift myself up and lay on his soft chest. Sweat dripping from the both of us, we connected our lips once again.

"you did great" he whispered in the kiss. I was still unable to form words so I broke the kiss and whispered in his ear a thank you. He giggled and covered us with the covers. So we laid there, enjoying each other's presence as we slowly drifted off to sleep.


1.125 words! damn I am in a good mood today. Anyway, thank you guys so much for 250 reads!!! This is so cool!! anyway thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!❤️

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