something new

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hello I'm back!!!!

anywayyyy, this is male reader and I know the title is complete shit just ignore it, please.

requested by HokkaidoAtItsFinest


Warning(ig): choking, spanking, a little bit of knife play, a lot of degrading, etc.

Eddie: Dom

Reader: Sub, also a bit of a masochist 


It was Friday night, I had gone out for drinks with a bunch of my friends. We had decided to go to a very chill bar yet somehow we ended up at a party, drunk and high.

My head hurt like hell and I couldn't think straight honestly. I stood up dizzily and looked at a huge-looking clock that hung the wall I had passed out against. 5.43 am.


My eyes widened, and as I cursed myself I remembered that I had never told eddie, my boyfriend of 4 months, that I would be going out in the first place. 


I rushed out of the unknown house and looked around. I could hear distant sirens, so without thinking I broke into somebody's car and drove away as fast as I could.

Turns out that I wasn't far from eddie's trailer, just a few miles away. I made my way to his trailer and parked outside. While cursing myself even more I hoped that he wouldn't be awake. I opened the surprisingly open door and stepped inside. Complete darkness, until...

"where have you been?" Eddie asked calmly, scaring the living shit out of me.

"Jesus, ed..." I panted.

"I was...out...with friends." I tried to keep a straight face.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was? You could have called" He whined and stepped closer.

"*hiccup* well I was too busy getting high...and drunk! *laugh* *hiccup* *laugh*" I blurted. Eddie looked at me, he grabbed my hips and squeezed them gently.

"What if something had happened to you? huh? *sigh* Y/N I love you, I don't know what I would do If anything bad happens to you. I was so worried." He stepped closer. 

"*laugh* well, I'm just fine, ugh i'm so tired" before I could walk away, Eddie grabbed my hand and pushed me against the counter. He looked deeply into my eyes before bringing his hands to my thighs and squeezing them tightly. I couldn't help but let out a small yelp.

"you like this, don't ya? slut. You like it when I squeeze your cute thighs like this? hmm? You did this on purpose, didn't you? You just wanted me to completely ruin you. You pathetic little whore." He whispered in my ear and started to take off my clothes. I whined at the feeling of being completely exposed in front of him.

He grabbed a sharp knife and grazed it across my abdomen and torso. The cold blade made me shiver. He created a deep cut in the middle of my stomach, he looked a bit scared and unsure though. He swept the crimson blood from my stomach with his fingers and brought them up to his mouth. I watched as he licked the blood off of his fingers. He placed the knife down and looked at me.

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