walking together

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hello :) I'm sorry i haven't been active, I haven't been feeling very well the past two weeks but at least I'm going on vacation tomorrow, so...yay!

Anyways...this is nb reader x eddie

It's based on a dream a friend of mine had(imthemotherlover) and I asked him if I could use it for a story and he said yes! (Btw this book is written by both of us)



The first weekend of the summer holidays. The weather was terrific, not too hot and not too windy, just perfect. Me, robin, steve, Eddie, and the kids were hanging out at a very cool coffee shop me and robin had discovered a few months ago. it was small and hidden in an alley, making it the perfect spot to hang out at.

We were making small conversations, talking about how we wanted to spend our summer but in the corner of my eye, I could see eddie and Henderson talking. It didn't look like a conversation, more like an argument. But they were talking quietly so no one paid any mind to them.  I didn't want to bother them so I just kept talking with the people around me.

After a while, our conversation stopped so everyone could enjoy what they had ordered. However, the silence didn't last very long when all of a sudden eddie accidentally dropped his glass on the ground, the glass smashed, making some of us flinch in surprise. Eddie got up from his seat and went inside the coffee shop while mumbling in frustration and annoyance.

I turned to robin, who was sitting beside me.

"I'm going for a small walk" I whispered and stood up. I waited for a few seconds for eddie to come out and he did. He had put his hair up in a messy ponytail and as he walked out of the shop, I gestured for him to come with me, flashing him a small smile as he walked towards me. 

He started walking on the sidewalk, while I walked on the small street. I skipped closer to the sidewalk as we approached the open road. I walked behind him, admiring the way his gorgeous hair bounced in strands against his shoulder. We crossed the road and went into another alley, a slightly bigger one with a view of the pretty pinkish sky. 

Without thinking my hand touched his curly strands of hair. He made a surprised noise and walked slower. I couldn't help but giggle and wrap my hands around his neck and walk on my tip toes. I could see his expression soften a bit, and a small yet warm smile appear. I let go, grabbed his hand, and yanked him on the road.

"Hey!" he yelled. I ducked down and ran towards him, grabbing his legs while laughing.  He laughed too, his hands spread on my back, tugging ever so slightly my shirt. I once again let go and looked up at him panting. 

He pulled me closer by my neck, slapping it once before grabbing both my hands quickly, pushing me back, and running. 

"That's not fair" I whined and chased him. I got lost a couple of times, thankfully I had his loud laughs guide me right back to him. Although, after a while, both exhausted and now very sweaty, sat down on some stairs in an alley behind an old church. 

"jerk" my voice above a whisper, still trying to calm down.

"you started it" he looked up at me in disbelief as he tried to catch his breath. 

"did not" I fought back.

"so did," he said with a smile. I whined tiredly, earning a laugh from him. I glanced up at him, his hair was stuck to his forehead and cheeks so I simply leaned in to tuck it behind his ears, not realizing how close I had accidentally gotten to him.

His eyes were staring at mine, his hand reaching up to mine, intertwining our fingers while still making eye contact. 

The only thing I could hear was the birds and the sound of a weak breeze brushing against tiny bells from an antique store next to us. We leaned in, slowly, and connected our lips to a sweet kiss. His hands holding gently the back of my head, mine were clenched on his shirt, yet they relaxed as the kiss got deeper. 

Letting go of my head, he slithered his arms around my waist and I wasted no time wrapping my arms around his neck. The kiss kept getting deeper, I could feel the heat on my cheeks rise by the minute. Out tongues playing and dancing with each other.

"Ohh, so that's what you meant by short walk huh?" We both quickly turned around to see our friends standing behind us. I gave eddie a small smile as stood up. He stood up right after me, glancing at dustin who had a smirk plastered on his face. 

I approached Robin, she was smiling at me which made it hard for me not to smile back. We both turned to walk away, Eddie following behind us.

"told ya they liked you" Henderson cooed to Eddie.

"shut up, Henderson" Eddie sighed and walked next to me, and hold my hand once again.


875 words.

It's so unfair dude, I want to dream of eddie too >:( anyways thank you so much for reading, hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I apologize if this is badly written. ❤️

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