lucky winter

362 8 2


this is male reader again(sorry)



It was a freezing morning. I was woken by my window, which opened widely letting all the cold in. I rushed to close it when I saw a figure outside.

"Eddie?!" I yelled loud enough for him to hear me.

"What the hell are you doing out there?!"

"C-could you maybe let me in?" He yelled back. I ran downstairs and opened the door. He came in and I told him to go up the stairs to my room. I took a couple of deep breaths and looked outside to see that my parent's cars weren't there and that there was probably a snowstorm the night before judging by all the snow.

 I quickly went up the stairs and went to my room. I saw ed taking off his coat and placing it on a chair. 

"Eddie it's freezing outside!" I laughed and tried to get the snow out of his hair.

"God I wanted to see you... I just, missed you so fucking much, you have no idea" He buried his head in my neck. I giggled at his absolute cuteness and kissed his cheek.

"I missed you too, I wanted to see but I was going to call" we both let out a little laugh. He looked at me and leaned in to kiss me.

"Hold on mister surprise, I just woke up, let me go to the bathroom real quick ok?" I looked at him with puppy dog eyes.

"yes sure, it's your house" he laughed. I rushed to the bathroom and washed up, brushed my teeth, etc. When I got out of the bathroom and entered my room again, Eddie was lying on my bed with closed eyes. I sneaked quietly towards him. I flopped on the bed, slightly next to him but it was enough to startle him. 

"Jesus!!" he whisper yelled. We both laughed but soon the laughter faded and we were just looking at each other.


He leaned in again and kissed me, I kissed back and I put my hands on his neck and pulled him even closer. Our kiss got pretty heated, I could feel his bulge growing underneath my thigh. I smirked and slowly massaged it with my hand. He groaned in response and broke away from the kiss. I unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants to reveal his erection. He laid down as I placed my lips on his tip and after a bit of teasing I started to blow him. His whimpers and moans could be heard throughout the room.

"I'm s-so c-close..." He moaned. I tried putting the whole thing in my mouth when I felt a pair of hands on my head, lowering me down.

"Ah...I'm gonna, I'm g-gonna c...." he cut himself off as he came in my mouth. I looked up at the mess I had created and made my way up to his lips. He kissed back but gained back dominance. He switched our places and now I was the one on the bottom. We both took off our clothes and moved back to our position but before I knew it, I could feel something cold tied around my hands that wouldn't let me move. I looked up to see a pair of handcuffs. 

"E-ed what is g-" he cut me off.

"don't worry sweetheart, I thought it would be fun to spice things up." He smirked. My heart raced, and I started to crave attention, especially my dick.

"Eddie please touch me..." I whimpered. His smirk grew wider and slowly opened a condom.

"hurry up already!" I whined. He bent my knees and lined himself up with my entrance.

"Do you want this baby, we can stop if you're uncomfortable" he said sweetly. I nodded in reassurance and he smiled kindly. I could feel his cock enter me slowly.

"f-fuck eddie..." I moaned after feeling him completely in. He let me adjust for a few seconds and when I nodded again he started slow.

"Oh god eddie! faster faster, please!" I moaned loudly as his thrusts became faster and sharper. Without realizing he continuously kept hitting my g spot.

"OH fuck eddie, right there, right...there eddie fuck!" I kept moaning his name.

"Oh god, you're doing so good, such good boy" he praised a bit before groaning and moaning out my name.

"Eddie I'm close...I'm so close!" I managed to say.

"Me too baby!" His thrusts became sloppier and he leaned in to kiss me.

"Ah, I'm g-gonna cum!" i moaned in the kiss and with one more thrust, we both came.

"ahh...oh god, that...was awesome!" he said and uncuffed me.

"it truly was," I said panting. We laid in silence for a bit, both breathing heavily.

"do you, do you want to stay over?" i asked and turned to look at him.

"sure if you don't mind" he smiled.

"i don't" i giggled and kissed him.


first of all, yes men do have a g spot for anyone wondering, second of all...Thanks for like 170 reads?!?! y'all are awesome! Thanks for reading and i hoped you enjoyed this one! I might write one more today btw.

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