Almost caught

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this is male reader again



It was a casual Monday morning. I was approaching the chemistry lab for my next class when someone grabbed my hand and ran to the bathroom. I had to run with them and I started panicking while trying to free my hand. When we arrived at the bathroom the person pushed me and pinned me to the wall. I took a few deep breaths and looked at the person confused. It was Eddie! 

"What...the hell was that! You scared the living shit out of me!" I panted and approached his face. He lifted his head and looked at me apologetically, then my lips. I leaned in a bit more and attached our lips. Our tongues playing with each other. He slowly got lower, kissing my jawline. 

"God Eddie..." I whimpered at the sensation of his lips meeting my neck. 

"Can we not do this here, anyone could come in!" I whispered as I tried to hold back a moan.

"But that's what's making it exciting" he smirked. He was right. The thrill of being caught made everything more exciting. I could already feel my erection grow by the second. Eddie pushed us into a stall to give us a bit of privacy. He started unclothing me, taking off every bit of clothing on me.

"It's not fair, you're fully clothed and I'm...Oh god, shit" I whined while I could feel his big, cold hands getting closer and closer to my hole. He chuckled at my reaction and held my waist tightly as he inserted one finger. I moaned out, wrapping my hands around his neck for support and burring my head in his chest. I tried to keep my moans but it was nearly impossible.

"Can I add a second one?" He asked in a kind and caring voice. I nodded immediately and felt him add a second finger. I moaned in his ear and felt his erection against my bare thigh. I was so close to cumming, that my dick kept throbbing and leaking precum. Eddie looked for my approval for a third finger and I nodded again. I was moaning as quietly as I could in eddies neck. 

"I'm so fucking close ed, please," I whined and I felt his fingers pick up the pace making me cum immediately. 

"Such a good boy, trying to hold back your moans just so I could prep you" he kissed my neck again. I pulled out a condom from his pocket, unzipped his pants, and pulled out his erected cock. I rubbed his tip with my fingers and watched him arch his back a bit and moan. I put on the condom and kissed his neck, he grabbed me by my thighs and lifted me, I placed my hands on his hands to gain balance and support. He looked deeply into my eyes before asking. 

"Do you want this bunny? w-we can stop if you don't want to do this." He asked with a lighter, more concerned tone.

"Yes Eddie, I want you so bad" before I knew it his dick had started to enter me, slowly. And once he was all in, he left me to adjust for a few more seconds before nodding my head. His thrusts started as deep and slow, but he picked up the pace. 

"God baby you feel so good around me, so good for me" He whispered in my ear. I, on the other hand, was unable to form actual sentences, I occasionally let out a 'Jesus' or just moaned his name. 

He suddenly stopped and looked away. Someone had gotten in the bathroom. The person was washing their hands but I could feel Eddie picking up the pace again, slowly but sharp. He was surprisingly quiet with his thrusts, I could barely keep my mouth shut. I become more aroused by the second. The thrill of being caught made me grow closer and closer to my orgasm. 

When the person left, Eddie fasten his thrusts completely and sucked on my sensitive nipple. I closed my eyes tightly and arched my back. I could feel his cock throb deep within me. His cheeks grew redder, I don't even know how he was able to hold me up for so long but he didn't seem to struggle with that.

" I'm so fucking close Eddie, please keep going" I moaned out desperately. We made eye contact for some seconds and kissed deeply.  He moaned in the kiss a bunch of times and bit my bottom lip. Sweat dripping from the both of us, we were both close, judging by our throbbing dicks.

"Oh god baby, I'm so close too, Jesus you're so hot bunny, all for me to enjoy" he moaned in my ear some seconds before we both came. To prevent both of us from moaning, Eddie kissed me again. It was a more calm and more loving kiss. We pulled apart, panting. 

"That was...amazing" I approached him.

" I 100% agree" he giggled and let me rest my head at the crook of his neck. 

"You should probably get dressed" we both laughed a bit, he helped me put on my clothes and we decided to go to my house and skip the rest of the school day.


883 words

Thank you so much for 400 reads!!! I am not really confident about this chapter tbh, maybe it's too straightforward, but I hope you enjoyed it! thanks for reading❤️

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