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Today I was like, let's see how far we are in the votes..
And you guys really do enjoy this book don't you.
Jeez, I was people promoting it and asking them to vote.
And I was like why do people enjoy this but also find it annoying most of the time.
I'm still shocked about everything that happend in the 13 hours or less that I put the vote on.

But apart from that I want to thank you guys.
I really enjoyed seeing what you guys really think of the story and what it does for you.
And for the people who texted me  in person.
Guys you're words are gonna kill me one day with everything you say.

And because of all the support I decided that when I'm done with my other works I will make another creepypasta book.

So tell me which characters you want.
Anyone is oke.

But to finish this off.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and life and will enjoy it to the max.

Thank you for supporting this story and please enjoy it even more now it will stay.

With love of me Moonlight and my dear friend Aido who wrote this with me ^^♡

Jeff The Killers Pet ( jeff x reader )Where stories live. Discover now