part 18

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Y/N p.o.v

(This dream has Lemon in it..)

Rising up,  I found myself in a small, (f/c) bed, complete with a (f/animal) plushie/doll by my side.
Getting up, I look at the mirror.
I see my old room and a small 5 year old girl with tears in her eyes.

"Wahts going on...."

I went to the door and heard some people screaming.
I was listening and knew who the voices were.
It were my 'parents' from my old house and life.
I ran out the door and trew the door open.

No no no!
I can't go trough this again!!
Pls Stop!
Turn around Y/N!!

But I was a nieve child and walked in the room.
I feel my knees hitting the ground in shock.
I started crying and screaming when I saw my 'dad' cutting 'mom'.
I heard him laugh and he started walking to me.
He took my arm and grinned.

"Come on dear daughter lets play a game..." he said.


I couldnt move and said nothing.
He started to take off his shirt and I heard my 'mom' Laura trying to scream.
But it didn't work and he just laughed.
He pinned me to a wall and started kissing my neck.
I started tearing up but still couldn't say a word.
I felt a hard pain in my neck en saw blood coming from my neck.
He started to draw blood and licked the same spot a few more times.
I started to tremble and the tears came from my eyes.
He started to remove my shirt and I then tried to get out of his strong grip.
But he started to growl and threw me on the floor.
My shirt was torn and he started laughing at me again.
I looked at my "mother" and saw the tears coming from her eyes.
I kept looking at her when I felt two strong hands again.
I looked up to see my 'dad' hanging on top of me.
He smiled at me and started licking my neck again.
He moved slowly down and stopped at my breasts.
He bit my left chest hard and I screamed in pain.
He started to massage the others and I started making strange noises.
He chuckled and started to massage him faster.
I started to moan louder and tears poured down my face.
I felt one of his hands go down and felt him pull something off my legs.
He held my pants in front of me and I started shaking my head violently.
But he just laughed harder at my reaction.
Before I knew it I felt a hand go into my panties and moaned loudly.
I shook my head and started crying even harder.
I knew what he wanted to do and wanted to get away from this situation as soon as possible.
Before I knew it, the door flew open and everything was dark ...

~ end of the dream ~

I shoot up in my bed with tears in my eyes.
I didn't notice at first but I was shouting.
I felt two arms throw around me and knocked them away.
I looked at the person whose arms they were and saw Sally.
She stared at me and I tried to calm myself down but it didn't work.
I only saw flashes of the dream / the past ..
I couldn't stop and kept yelling and crying.
I didn't notice but Sally had run out of the room.
I made myself into a ball and started crying even harder.
And kept crying even when someone threw the door open.

Sally's .p.o.v.

I quietly played in her sister's room after Dad put her to bed when I heard someone scream.

"Pls STOP !!"

I looked up to see Y / N crying and screaming on her bed.
I didn't know what to do and slowly walked over to her.
I put my arms around her, but they were quickly knocked off her.
She looked at me in horror and started to cry harder.
She kept screaming and I knew I had to go get Daddy to help her.
I rushed out of the room looking for Daddy.
I ran down the corridors and called Daddy for help.
But I couldn't find him.
I kept looking and felt the tears flow.
I was concerned about Y / N ..
What happens now that I'm gone and she's still screaming.
I was not paying attention when I suddenly ran into someone.
I bumped into the person and almost fell back when I was stopped.
I looked up to see Zalgo standing in front of me.
I thanked him and he put me down gently.
He smiled at me and stroked my head and started to walk away until I grabbed Zalgo.
He looked at me confusingly, but I didn't care.
I started pulling him into Y / N room and heard the screams again.
Zalgo looked at me and pulled away from my grip.
He ran into the room and I decided to leave them alone.
I walked towards my room and started playing with my toys with Y / N still on my mind.

Zalgo's .p.o.v.

Little girl Sally started pulling me into Y / N's room !!
I all heard shouts from the room and looked at Sally with wide eyes.
I pulled away from her grip and ran into the room.
I saw my little princess screaming and crying in a corner of her room.
I saw letters on the wall behind her and I was startled.
The words were shocking and I didn't know what to say ...
But I really noticed ... Cursed devil child ...
They were right but it hurt to see it ...
I walked over to her and stroked her head ..
She looked up and I gave her a weak smile.
I moved towards her, but I saw the fear in her eyes.
I sighed and looked into her eyes.

"Princess don't be afraid I'm not going to hurt you ..."

I saw the doubt in her eyes and they sigh.
I went even closer now and threw my arms around her.

"Hey it's all right. I'm here now and promise to protect you."

She started to lean against me and started crying again.
It really hurt me to see her like this.
I held her tighter and put my head on her shoulder.

"What's going on my princess ...? What hurt you so much ...?"

I heard her swallow and she started watching me.
She started trembling and I saw the fear increase.
They sigh and started to lean against me again ..

"Father ... I'm afraid ..." she said doubtfully.

"SST .. Don't worry I'm here ... everything will be fine .."

I was very worried and knew I couldn't fix this.

"Y / N let's go find Slenderman and your mom alright."

I felt her head go up and down slowly.
I picked her up in a bride style and telepotited out of the room to Slenderman's room.
I knocked on his door and walked in without waiting for an answer.
I saw him sitting at the desk that I had placed for him.
He looked up and I saw his confused look on me.
But that face soon changed when Y / N started crying a little harder.
He looked at me in shock and teleported right in front of me.

 "What's wrong with Y / N Zalgo .... Why does she look so scared .."

"I don't know ... but she's scared .."

He started stroking her side and she was startled and calmed when she saw who it was.
She calmed down and looked at us.

"It's good ... that you two can be together ... heh .."

She smiled weakly and Slenderman and I laughed softly.
Not long after that she started to giggle softly.
She wiped her tears and I put her on the floor.

"Y / N can you tell us what happened ..?" Slenderman asked her ...

She stared at us again and nodded slowly.

"Well .."

Jeff The Killers Pet ( jeff x reader )Where stories live. Discover now