part 21

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Y / N .p.o.v.

I woke up with someone jumping on top of me. I was startled and looked at the person confused. My sight cleared to see Sally.

"Good morning, Sally."

"Daddy asked me to wake you up so we can do something fun." She said.

I sighed and gently took her away from me.

"Okey Sally I'm going to prepare myself. You go to Daddy."

She nodded happily and walked out of the room.
I got out of bed and started preparing myself.
I went downstairs.

"Ah Sweety, you're awake," Slender said as he cooked breakfast.

"Good morning daddy."

I sat down at the table long Sally and wait for the food to be put on the table.
I looked around to see that two people were missing.

"Daddy where are father and Jeff?"

"Oh don't worry they're picking someone up." he said quietly.

I nodded.
Daddy finished making dinner and put it on the table.
He made (f / food) with strawberries.
It looked so good I didn't really want to eat it, but hey who cares.
After a few minutes I finished the food and put it in the dishes.
I was just about to leave the kitchen when a white tentacle grabbed me.
I was startled and looked behind me.
My eyes widened and I saw a very familiar face.


I tore myself away from his tentacle and ran to him.
I hugged him and he laughed.

"Hello my little flower, I see you've missed me."

I nodded and continued to hug him.
He started hugging me back now and I laughed.

"What are you doing here uncle offendy?"

"I thought let's do something fun for the two of us today," he said with a big smile.

I released him from the hug and started jumping wildly across the room.
I heard him laugh.

"Come on then we're going to change your father's mind." he said laughing.

I nodded and took his hand.
I closed my eyes and waited for the moment to feel the fine floor again.
But it never came.
I felt something different at my feet.
I opened my eyes and looked around.
My eyes immediately started to twitch when I saw where we were.
We were in Uncle Offendy's special garden.
Everything looked so beautiful.
The roses were colored by each other and you saw all butterflies flying around the roses.
Through the garden was a path that leads to a small grass field with a waterfall next to it.
Everything looked really beautiful.
I got a big smile on my face and let go of my uncle.
After I released him, I ran to the small field and sat down.
Not much later he sat on the floor past me.
I looked at him and saw several roses in his hand.
I looked at him confused and he sighed with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, they're safe. These roses come from another part of the garden. I thought why aren't we going to teach you how to make a flower crown."

I immediately smiled and nodded happily.
He told me to choose my 3 favorite colors for the crown.
I nodded and chose red, orange and yellow. (Of course you can also do your own colors.)
It was great fun. He taught me a song to remember it better.

"If you go under the sun. Then tie it back to your pad. Do it again until you finally have it. And then you have the net. And a flower bed on your head."

It's a pretty fun song for tying the flowers together.
It really helped because it immediately went a lot better.
I think I have one for everyone with their precise colors.
Although I know they don't like me, I make one for everyone.
Offendy helped me make the flower crowns.
Slowly the roses started to run out so we decided to stop.
Apparently it was already a really late because when we went back the moon was already above the sky.
We walked in and saw that everyone was waiting for us at the table.
We greeted them and went inside the kitchen.
I sat next to Sally and uncle Offender.
Father Zalgo made (f/food) with some cake.
It looked so good and I couldn't wait for putting it in my mount.
So I looked at my father and did my puppy eyes so I could start eating.
Everyone started to laugh and I joined in.
After a few minutes I was done and had cake al over my face.
Most of the people already left except Jeff and Sally.
Jeff came up to me and smiled.
He picked up my cheek and held my face to his and started licking it.
My eyes grown wide and I turned as red as a tomato.
I started panicking and my head became fuzzy.
And before I knew it everything was black.....

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