part 17

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Y/N .p.o.v.

I woke up and smiled while I was still sleeping Sally by my side.
I tried to get out of bed slowly so I didn't wake her up.
I got out of bed and walked to the closet to get clothes for me and Sally.
I found two nice outfits for me and Sally.
For Sally I found a beautiful pink dress with a bow around the strap.

For myself I found a normal outfit with a gray t-shirt and black pants

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For myself I found a normal outfit with a gray t-shirt and black pants.
(if you want the rest of the outfit you can choose if you want or just use the outfit from the photo completely.)

I put on my outfit and heard someone wake up behind me

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I put on my outfit and heard someone wake up behind me.
I turned and saw Sally opening her eyes.
She sat up and smiled at me.

"Good morning Sister.!" Sally said cheerfully.

"Good morning, Sally. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I really liked sleeping in your bed."

I smiled at her and picked up the dress.
I walked over to her and handed her the dress.
I saw her eyes light up and she chuckled.
She got up and hugged me.
I smiled at her and she ran to the bathroom to change.
She came out of the bathroom after a few minutes and she looked super cute.
I smiled at her.

"You look super nice Sal."

"You too big sister." she said laughing.

"Let's go eat after we wake the boys up."

She nodded happily and grabbed my hand.
We walked to the boy's door and saw that they were all still sleeping.
I looked at Sally and whispered something in her ear.
She nodded enthusiastically and released my hand.
She walked over to Jeff's bed and started screaming.

"Wake up sleep heads !!!!!

The boys jumped up and looked at Sally angrily.
Sally and I laughed.
I heard the boys growling and then slowly got out of bed.
Sally walked over to me and I said we would wait outside the door for them to finish.
They nodded at me and Sally and I left the room.
Sally sat down against the wall while I stopped against the wall.
Then I heard people talking in the hall and saw Masky and Hoodie coming our way.
She stopped when they saw me and I saw the doubt in their eyes.
They wanted to keep walking when Sally got up and she stopped the boys.
She grabbed them tightly and looked at them with enraged eyes.
They were startled and jumped back.
She looked at me and started talking to the boys.

Jeff The Killers Pet ( jeff x reader )Where stories live. Discover now