part 3

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(y / n) p.o.v.

I was following master jeff when he suddenly stood still.
'hey Slender' I heard him say.
I turned my face to him, he was talking with a tall man without a face en he was wearing a black suit with a red tie.
I was scared but i didn't show it.
I walked to master Jeff and pulled his sleeve.
" how is that Jeff?" asked the man without a face.
" Oh this is my pet (y/n). (y/n) meet slenderman hes a friend of mine....kinda.."
The tall man turned his head towards me.
I could feel him watching me even if he had no eyes.
I looked down.
" Child there is no need to be scared I won't do anything."
I slowly looked up and gave him a weak smile.
the tall man wanted to shake my hand but I was in doubt.
After a few seconds, I gently grabbed his hand.
Master Jeff growled en looked at the tall man.
The tall man let go of my hand.
" Alright child i'm going now be safe."
I nobbed as he walked away.
Jeff looked at me and smiled.
" I think Slender likes you (y/n)."
I gave him a weak smile.
"In a few minutes we'll have dinner with my friends and I want you to be there okay.? "
I looked at him and gave him a smile.
He took my hand and went to another room.

Time skip- this is given to you by charlie and sally.

In the dinner Master Jeff asked me to sit on his lap as he was wrapping his arms around me.
I blused and looked at the people who come in even mister slenderman.
Slowly master Jeff let go of me
When everyone sat at the table the food was brought right away.
I watched all the food being brought in and Master Jeff laughed.
I was trying not to look at him while I was blushing.
So he turned and started to eat.
Because I was a pet I got some food afterwards.
So in the meantime, I looked around the room with all the people I didn't know.I could see I wasn't the only pet in there, there were more like me and most of them where standing next to there masters chair and some of them where sitting on the floor.
I felt pity for some of them because they had wounds all over there body.
I didn't have any wounds really.
I looked at some pets and they looked empty and there eyes were cold and dead.

Suddenly one of the people stabbed his pet and I started shaking.
I saw the blood come out from her neck as she fell down.
'Why did he stab her...'
Master jeff looked at me and took my hand.
He saw the terror in my eyes and shouted.
The boy looked in our way.
"Cuz I want that and now shut the fuck up I want to eat " the guy that i guess called EJ said that I couldn't see his face because he was wearing a mask.

I looked at master Jeff and than at the girl she was still bleeding like crazy.
Slowly I was thinking about what will happen to me if I did something wrong.
Master Jeff realized that I was afraid and started to hug me again.
'I don't wanna die...'

Jeff's .p.o.v.

'I don't wanne die...'
I heard the words softly, but they were there.
(y/n) was scared that she would be killed.
I felt a shooting pain in my stomach.
She was crying softly.
I hugged her even more tightly and she looked straight into my eyes.
" sssh don't worry it's oke. I will never hurt you."
She slowly stopped crying and started hugging me back.
We sat there for a long time until Mister slenderman started talking.

" Jeff did you train her well? "
He sounded a bit scary and harsh.

" Not yet but it won't be hard."

(y / n) looked at me confused.
I looked at her with a half smile.
"I would explain later ..." I said softly.
She nodded and looked back at Slender.

" Make sure that she isn't going to herself in troubel Jeff cuz if she was, then you will be in trouble tho.'

" Don't worry she won't" he said calmly.

And I smiled at her.

' I promise I won't do that master Jeff..'

Slender nodded at her reaction and sat down again.
She started to lie against me.
(y/n) looked so peaceful like this.
I stroked her (h/c) hair.
After a while she sat up again.
She looked at the girl.

(y/n) p.o.v.

I sat up again and wanted to see how the girl was doing.
She was still bleeding but not as much as before.
Suddenly the boy named EJ looked up at me right in to my eyes.
I could just see his dead black shines behind his mask.
I quickly looked away, I hope he will just forget about it.

"Hey!! Jeff what's up with your stupid pet?!" he spoke.

" Did she do something wrong? " Master Jeff asked.

" Teach her to not look at me so much or i'm going to rip her face off! " this guy is so rude and annoying.

"She is just trying to find out why you are so ugly!!! " Master said with a smile on his face.

"I'm UGLY look at your face! "

Wauw I think he pissed of.
I slowly moved closer to Master Jeff and he grabbed my hand.


"I dare you to say that again.."
I felt him holding me closer to him.
His arms started to go around my waist.
I felt a weird energy coming out his body it makes me shiver.
My heart beat was becoming faster and faster and I couldn't control my body.
What is this energy.

" THAT'S ENOUGH " mister Slender shouted makes everyone stop talking and look over at him.

" I don't want these stuffes on dinner is this clear or you two will be in big trouble " he said harsh and serious.

Master Jeff and EJ nobbed, then slowly everyone started to talk again.

' Master Jeff is this my fault..'
he looked at me and started to pet my head.

" Don't worry it wasn't your fault."

I started to rest my head against Masters chest cuz I was tierd and sleepy even though I wanted to stay awake.
But I slowly started to fall asleep.

Time skip-- giving by smile dog for being so cute.

Jeff's .p.o.v.

The dinner ended and everyone started to leave.
(y/n) was sleeping on my lap she was so cute.
I lifted her up and placed her on my shoulders.
Slender walked over to me and started talking to me.
After a few minutes I went to my room with (y / n) on my shoulders.
I put her on my bed and kissed her on the head.
I don't know why I did it felt like it was the thing to do.
She turned red when I did it and I chuckled.
I walked to the bathroom.
I changed and lay down next to (y / n).
I grabbed her and started to lie against her
After a few minutes I fell asleep with (y / n) in my arms.

------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys.

I hope you enjoyed part 3 of JEFF THE KILLERS PET.
This part is almost 1300 words long.

If you have any tips pls tell me.

Also a shoutout to lucyheartfilia063
Thanks for being a great friend and support.

I hope to see u next time.


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