part 9

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(y/n) .p.o.v.

We are now a month later.
My father left for business, but it wasn't too bad.
Because a lot of nice things have happened.
Liu and I had become best friends.
You had a lot in common and you really liked his drawings.
I even thought he was pretty cool at times.
He had a spilled personality called Sully.
Sully can be rude, but that didn't bore me.
But that is no longer so important.
Today was the day I turned 16.
I was so happy and looking forward to it.
I enthusiastically put on my (f / c) dress that reached to my knees, a white cardigan, (f / c) and (s / f / c) striped knee socks, (f / c) flats and on top of that I put a cute (s / f / c) bow in my hair.
I went down to see that there was already a party going on.
But strangely, there were no presents, no cards and no "HAPPY BIRTHDAY (y / n) 1!" not at all.
I walked over to Master Jeff because he was the only one who was not yet drunk.
I tapped his shoulder.

'Master Jeff, what's going on?'

"It's a party! Does it look like a country with dots? "

'I know it's a party. But what about my stuff? My presents? '

"What are you talking about (y / n)? There are no presents for you because this is not your party. I don't even think you were invited. "

Liu's .p.o.v.

I had finally finished wrapping the present I had for (y/n).
It was a cute looking necklace with a little moon on it.
I know she was saving up for it so I thought it would be a great present for her.
The necklase was wrapped in (f / c) paper with ( s/ f/ c ) ribbons and bow.
You know, I may or may not be the best at wrapping presents, but I did a pretty good job.
I stuck a little card under the ribbon as I walked downstairs to see what looked like (y/n)'s party... At first.

'What do you mean this isn't my party and I wasn't invited? Do you have any idea what today is Master Jeff...?'

"By my standards, it was a boring day that had notin special about it.Until we threw a party.
But your being a party pooper.'

'Out of all the time I've been here, this is the first time you forgotten how important this day is to me.'

I knew this wasn't gonna end well.
I even saw a small tear fall down her cheek.
That's when it hit me.
Everyone except me and (y/n) forgot her birthday.
This day was important to her and they forgot it.


My jaw dropped.
So did everyone else's.
(Y/N) started to cry as she ran past me, up the stairs and into the room.
I heard her lock the door,
Now, no one makes my friend cry and gets away with it.
I walked to Kagekao.

" Was the punch spiked?"

" No it's not. Everyone is just acting like morons. Why?"

" Good. Because what I'm gonna do will make them wish for a hangover."

I jumped on top of the table, banging my knee in the process.
It didn't hurt of course.
I stood up on top of the table.


The other creepypasta's looked at me.
I am gonna make them feel so bad.

" (Y/N) ran up to her room crying because of my brother. He said that today wasn't special and that she wasn't invited."

Ben piped up to me.

~ So? She'll get over the fact she wasn't invited. Plus today isn't special."

These people are more clueless than I thought.
They haven't taken the hint.
That just made my blood boil.
My eyes twitched and for once it wasn't Sully.
It was my rage.


> How is today special?" Eyeless Jack asked me.
This makes me want to punch them really hard,

" You guys have known her for at least 6 months. HOW COULD YOU FORGET!!"

^ Forget what? ^ Laughing Jack asked.


That moment it felt like time has stopped.
They had realized what they did to the poor girl.
I jumped off the table and starting running to (y/n)'s room.
I heard Jeff running after me.
I knocked on the door, but she didn't open.

" (y/n) plz open up it's Liu. I'm sorry thwy forgot your birthday."

I heard someone coming to the door when she pulled me inside and locked the door again.
I heard banging at the door and I guessed it was Jeff.
She didn't even look at the door and sit down on her bed.
I could see she cried and walked to her.
She just looked at me and I started hugging her.
(y/n)'s .p.o.v.

I was on the bed, crying on Liu's shoulder.
I heard someone thumping on the door.
It was M- Jeff.

"(y/n) we are super sorry! If it wasn't for me, they would have thrown you a party."

" APOLOGY DENIED..! go away. It'll take more than an "I'm sorry" to make up for it. I'm not coming out."

I heard them walk away and continue partying.
Those jerks. They still partied even after realizing they forgot your birthday.
I hugged Liu even harder.
After a couple of minutes I let go and walked away to change.
When I was done I sat down on the bed again and Liu only looked at me with a sad smile.

"(y/n) I got you a prensent. If you still want is.? "

I looked at him and give him a weak smile.

" At least you remembered. I could hear your yelling from here. That's why I let you in."

"YOur my best frien. It's your special day. I'm really mad at Jeff tho. But here, take it."

He took my hand and gently placed the small box in it.
You took the little with envelope and opened it.
It was a nice card with a picture of you and Liu when you first met.
YOu looked in the card and read what it said aloud.

"My dear friend (y/n),

Happy 16th birthday! I hope you have a blast!

~Liu and Sully."

I smiled at how sweet they were.
I putted the card down and opened the gift.
I was so happy with the gift I got.
The adorable silver moon neckless I wanted.
I hugged Liu.
I saw him blush a little and I chuckled.
Me and Liu spented the rest of the night in my room watching movies.
Hey guys,

I hope you liked this part.
I want to thank lucyheartfilia063 for the title of this chapter.
I hope to see you soon.


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