part 26

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Y/n's .p.o.v.

Time skip.

We were a few hours away and Jason stayed with me throughout the mission.
Me, Jason, Clockwore and Jane were on my way to Father Zalgo's house and I was on Jason's back.
We entered the cave and went through the portal.
I smiled when I saw my dad's large building and jumped off Jason's back.

"Come on guys! We can't keep them waiting!"

They laughed and we started running to the house.
The big building was getting closer and I saw the lava ditch also coming forward.
She glowed beautifully in the moonlight.
I saw people at the door and started to run faster.
After a long run I saw my father and Sally standing and jumped into my father's arms.
They laughed as Sally giggled.

"Hey Sweety likes the search with the pasta." Daddy Slender said.

I nodded and let them go.
She smiled at me.

"Big sister take the gift so we can bring you to last people !!"

Sally handed me a box and took my hand.
I looked at Clockwore, Jane and Jason who nodded.

"Daddy can Jason come along?" I asked Daddy Slender.

He nodded and then walked in with Daddy Zalgo.
Jason, Sally and I followed after we waved out Clockwore and Jane.
We walked through the halls to the TV room.
I saw my dads smile at me.
I looked at them confused and they pointed to the TV.
The TV started to make strange noises and flashes came from all over.
Ben's theme song was playing and I saw a hand come out of the TV.
The hand was pale and almost white.
I smiled when I saw the hand and took it.

"Have fun little doll! I'll talk to you later!"

I giggled and nodded at him before I was sucked into the TV.
I closed my eyes because of the bright light that suddenly shone in my eyes.
I felt someone tapping my shoulder and slowly opened my eyes.

"Hello kitten. Good to see you again." said a familiar voice.

I turned and saw Jeff standing in front of me.
I laughed and gave him a hug.

"Heya, I missed you."

He stroked my hair and kissed my forehead.

"Okey thats enough ... God why did I have to be the genes that got stuck with the lovebirds again?" Said Ben.

"I'm sorry Ben .."

I let go of Jeff and walked up to him and gave him a hug.
He laughed and gave me a hug back.
He released me and looked at Jeff.
Jeff nodded and walked in my direction, putting his hands in front of me.
I was startled and started to strangle myself.

"Don't move kitten trust me." He said chuckling.

I nodded and relaxed.

"Okay kitten follow my movements so that nothing can happen." he said slowly.

I nodded again and he started to walk slowly.
I heard all kinds of doors and funnels open and I felt the floor change beneath me.
I heard Ben and Jeff whisper to each other and I sigh.

"Don't worry, we're almost there." he said quietly.

I nodded again.

"Okey y / n when Jeff lets you go I want your eyes to stay closed for a few more minutes so this goes okay." said Ben.


Jeff took me one more step forward and then let go.
I felt myself go up and started to shake.

"Don't worry (nickname) everything will be fine but you have to stay calm." said Ben.

I calmed down when I heard Ben say I should slowly open my eyes.
I did as he said and slowly opened my eyes.
I looked up and saw all the lights around me.
She danced around me and I giggled.

"So pretty!"

The boys laughed.
I saw the lights suddenly change to butterflies.
My eyes started to twinkle and I tried to catch the butterflies but they disappeared every time I touched them.
The butterflies began to fly away and a path came before my feet.
I looked at the boys and they nodded.
I followed the path and entered a tunnel full of lights.
For some reason I recognized the tunnel.
The lights started to change again and now formed into people.
I laughed when I saw who they were.
Me, Jeff, Ben, Lui, Tim, Brain, Charla and Kagokao.
This was when we all had a movie night with them before Helen joined us.
I laughed and walked further forward.
The lights change again.
This time the lights change in Jeff and I together in my house.
I swallowed thinking about this moment.
I know I met someone special that day but it's still a weird thing.
But I am happy with what happened because it helped me find real family.
And I am grateful to him for that.
And of course for the love he has given me.
I smiled through the thoughts and then continued up the path.
The lights now changed something completely different that I haven't recognized yet.
I looked at the lights and saw me and Jeff sitting on a bench as I put my head on his shoulder.
He stroked my hair and I smiled.

"It's beautiful ..."

The path then began to move on its own.
Back to where it started.
It was a beautiful thing and I would like to do it again.
But then together with Jeff ..

Jeff The Killers Pet ( jeff x reader )Where stories live. Discover now