part 23

530 16 5

A hour or 6 before the suprise.
Tim/masky's .p.o.v.

We ran upstairs to Y / n's room.
I felt more and more guilty every step of the way.
I started running faster without realizing it.
I heard the others call me, but I didn't care.
I had to find her.
I started this joke and I would be the first to join her for that.
I was soon outside her f / c door of her room and knocked on the door.
The door was slowly opened by Y / N.
She saw me and immediately wanted to slam the door.
I stopped the door and grabbed her arm.
I pulled her over and gave her a hug.

"I'm sorry ... I didn't know why I did it and I didn't know it actually happened ... Please Sis please forgive me ..." I said almost crying.

She looked at me with weed eyes and sighs.

Y / N's .p.o.v.

I was sitting in my room with my teddy bear on my lap when I heard a knock on the door.
I walked gently to the door and slowly opened it.
I hoped it was none of the boys and sigh.
I looked at who it was and immediately wanted to slam the door shut.
But I was too late he held him up just in time and grabbed my arm.
He pulled me towards him and slowly started to cry.
I've never heard him cry before and was a bit shocked.
I wanted to push him away but didn't when he started talking to me slowly.

"I'm sorry ... I didn't know why I did it and I didn't know it actually happened ... Please Sis please forgive me ..." I said almost crying.

I looked at him with wide eyes and sighs.
He called me his sister ...
I ... didn't know what to say or think.
I didn't say a word and looked at him with the same big eyes when I put my arms around him.
I knew it was just a joke and of course would forgive him.
But now I don't want to say anything and enjoy the moment with Mas - ... my brother
I let go and smiled at him

"It's all right ..... big brother .."

He looked at me and smiled

"So ... big brother huh .." he said laughing.

"Sis hey .."

"Yep!" he said with a smile.

I smiled at him and gave him a hug when I heard 'aaw' behind me.
I looked up to see Hoodie and Ben behind Tim.
She grinned and I hid behind Big Brother Tim in embarrassment.
Ben and Hoodie saw this and stopped laughing.
They then walked over to me and pushed Tim aside.
She grabbed me and gave me a hug.

"Sorry Y / N .." they said in contradiction.

I smiled at them and rubbed their backs.

"it's all right ... no worries."

They let go and nodded.
Ben turned to Tim and told him to go down to finish the mission with Liu.
Big brother Tim nodded and walked out of the room waving.
I waved back and then looked at the boys again.

"So what's Big Brother and Liu's mission?"

They were shocked by the question, but Hoodie responded quickly.

"Also you mean by big brother Masky ... I have no idea ... .... Slenderman said it wastop secret
\ (-_-) /.

I knew he was hiding something but I shake off the feeling.
I stared at the boys and they did the same in return.
I quickly got bored with this and told them I was looking for Jeff.
They nodded and I walked out of the room.
I walked over to Jeff's room and knocked on the door.
I wait for a few minutes but I still heard nothing.
I walked into the room and saw that it was not there.
I closed the door again and went downstairs.
When I was downstairs I saw my dads and Sally in the living room.
When they saw that I was in the room, Daddy Slender stood up.
Daddy Slender walked my way and smiled at me.

"Sweety, we're going to drop you off sometime because of a new mission.
And I need you for this not to scare them off, is that okay? "

I nodded and smiled at him.

"Okey, get ready. And you can take Sally with you."

I nodded again and headed for Sally.

"Come on Sals."

I lifted her up and went back upstairs to get ready.

- Meanwhile .--

Masky's .p.o.v.

Everything went according to plan.
The pastes had arranged everything for today without any problems and were now moving to their places.
We decided to use the whole forest and a few special passages.
The groups were also divided and were as follows.

Jason, Lj and Candypop.
Nina, Jane and Clockwore.
Ej and Puppeteer.
Zero and Charla.
Me and Hoodie.
Jeff and Ben.
Liu and Kagokao.
Slender, Zalgo and Sally.
Lazari and Lulu.
Toby and dark Link.
Lost silver and Helen.
Luna and Broken doll (Jason's doll.)
And as last team Offender, Trender and Splendorman.

Me and Hoodie will start the game and explain the rules while Liu makes a quick round to see if everything is in order.
I hope that after this all the drama is resolved and Y / N can just be friends with them again.
I am now all waiting for the sign of Slender so that everyone can go to their place.
Just then a red flash hit the sky and I nodded.

"Okay everyone to your places.
And immediately put your hint in the right place while you go to your place.
Good luck everyone. "

Everyone nodded and went to their seats.
Hoodie and I walked to the back part of the mansion and sat on the stairs waiting for Slender and Y / N.

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