part 6

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(y/n) .p.o.v.

I woke up in a strange room.
It was all white with a black bed and a small desk.
I walked around the room and suddenly heard crying in the room.
I walked to the cry and saw a small baby with (h / c) hair and (e / c) eyes.

"But that's me ...!?" I thought startled.

I wanted to get even closer when the door flew open.
I looked at the door and saw a tall man standing in the doorway.
He looked like Sir Offender but without a hat and mouth.
The person slowly walked over to the baby and lifted her up.

"Shh (y / n) it's all right Daddy is here ..." he said to calm her down.

My eyes widened from the words he said.

"My father ... but he's dead ... right? .."

I looked confused at the tall man and walked back when suddenly a flash of light hit my eyes.
I stood in a forest and looked around.
I recognized the forest, this was the forest where I then ran away for that boy.
I looked around and then heard something creak.
I looked up and saw the tall man standing in front of me again with the same child.
He put the baby down and sigh.

"My dear (y / n) I have to say goodbye to you ..." he said sadly. "This is for your own safety ... I'm sorry .."

He looked into my little eyes, or so it seemed.
The girl fell to the floor and he sighed.
He layed you down at a tree.
After a while he slowly walked away without looking back.
The same flash of light from the first came back, but now I woke up crying in Sir Offender's arms.
I looked at him and jumped back.
He sighed and looked at me with a sad look.

"I'm sorry flower I should have told you but I was so confused that I did something that really isn't possible ..... can you forgive me .." he said with teary eyes.

I looked at him again and slowly sat down with him again.
He smiled weakly and I gave him a light hug.
He was a bit shocked but hugged back.

"My dear flower do you know who I really am or do I have to explain it a bit .." Offender asked me.

I looked down and started to speak.

"Plz do.."

Offender's .p.o.v.

(y / n) started to cry softly and I grabbed her.
She woke up slowly and looked at me.
When she saw it was me she jumped back.
I sighed and looked at her sympathetically.

"I'm sorry flower I should have told you but I was so confused that I did something that really isn't possible ..... can you forgive me .." I said with tears in my eyes

She looked at me and slowly started moving back to me.
I smiled weakly and after a few seconds she started to hug me.
I was startled and with a doubt I started to hug her back.

"My dear flower do you know who I really am or do I have to explain it a bit .." I asked her.

She looked down and started to speak.

"Plz do .."

I looked at her and started explaining to her

"well my little flower let's start with the beginning .."

she nodded and I started the story.

"16 years ago, me and my brother found a girl who was bleeding on the grass of the forest.
She had (h/c) and green eyes.
She was crying.
Slenderman slowly walked over to her.
She jumped up, but quickly fell back to the ground.
She screamed in pain and grabbed her waist.
She looked at us and didn't know what to do.
Slender was tenacious and tried to find her way again.
This time she lay down and just looked at him.
He carefully lifted her off the ground and walked to his house.
I followed him and did not say a wor

We arrived at the house and walked in.
Slender went to the doctor and carefully placed her on one of the beds.
She had fallen asleep while walking.
My brother laughed and wiped away her tears.
Slender started looking after her and looked at me.

"Offender I need some water when she wakes up, can you get it?" He asked me.

I nodded and went to the kitchen and got a glass of water.
Slowly I walked back to the doctor and handed the glass to my brother.
Not much later the girl woke up ..
She looked at us and was startled.
Slender walked over to her and rubbed her back.
She calmed down slowly and looked around the room.
She sighed and started to speak slowly.

"Who are you ... and why am I here ...?" she asked anxiously.

Slender and I looked at each other and sighed.

"I'm Slenderman, and this is my older brother, Offender ... You're in my house child ..." my brother said softly. " What is your name..?"

"I'm (m-m / n) (mother's name) (l / n) and I'm 25 years old ..." she said nervously.

Months passed and (m / n) and my brother became a couple.
They were even already married.
Slender and (m / n) were so happy that shocking news came out into the world.
(m / n) was pregnant with a girl.
I was shocked by the news and didn't know what to do.
Our family had a strict rule about children with humans.

We had to kill the mother and leave the child in the woods or our father would kill us and everyone we knew.
(m / n) knew about this rule and accepted her death if she could name her daughter.
Slender did not want to accept it, but gave up because (m / n) stuck to her decision.
(m / n) gave birth to a girl after 2 months and was so happy.
She smiled at her baby.
Her last words that day were ...

"My dear daughter, I would never forget your sweet face, but I have to say goodbye to you ..." she said with tears in her eyes.

She looked outside and thought and looked back at the little girl.

"little one, your name will be as beautiful as the moon ... so I call you (y / n) ..."

Slender and I looked at her and smiled weakly.
She nodded at us and gave you to me.
I walked out of the room so you didn't see how your mother would die.
You looked at me with your sweet eyes and I sighed.

"I promise you my little flower I will protect you even if you hate me .." I whispered in your ear ..

And thats the story little flower ..... "

She looked at me with tears in her eyes.
I started hugging her and she hugged me back.

' I forgive you uncle Offender..' she said.

My heart stopped at those words and I started crying.
Then the door was thrown open.....
Hey guys,

I hope you liked this part of my story.
I hope you now understand the previous chapter.

And a question to you all..
Which day do you like best for a new chapter?
Pls tell me this so I try to do that.


Jeff The Killers Pet ( jeff x reader )Where stories live. Discover now