part 5

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Slenderman's p.o.v.

I walked over to Jeffrey with (y / n) in my tentacles.
She still wasn't awake, and I started to worry a little.
I looked at (y / n) and sighed.

"let's hope Offender doesn't come back to you .... because I wouldn't approve of that, she's important .."

Without realizing it, I was already at the door of BEN's room.
I knocked on the door and BEN opened the door.
He looked at me and then at Jeffrey who was crying.
He moved and I walked in.

"Child ..." I said startled.

Jeffrey looked at me and saw (y / n) in my arms.
He immediately jumped up and I put her down in front of him.
He was hugging her and started crying again.
Jeff's p.o.v.

I saw Slender come in.
I looked at him and saw that he was holding something in his tentacles.
I looked closely at the thing in his arms when I saw who it was.

"IT IS (Y / N) .." I thought with tears in my eyes.

I jumped up from the bed and stood on Slender.
Slender put her down and I caught her in my arms.
I held her and never let go of her.
Tears started to run down my cheeks again.

"Thank you Slender ...." I said in a broken voice.

Slender nodded and I picked her up and walked out of the room.
I walked righting her room as I opened the door and went to the bed.
I put down (y / n) and kissed her forehead and sat down on the bed past her as I slowly saw her eyes opening.
(y/n) p.o.v.

I woke up in an unknown room and jumped up.
Someone grabbed me and stroked my back.
I looked up and saw an unknown figure and pushed him away.

"Who are you, where's Sir Offender ..." with a frightened voice

He looked shocked and now completely let go.
I didn't think for a second and jumped off the bed and ran out of the room.
Behind me I heard someone screaming that I had to stay for my safety.
I did not listen and ran until I saw a small cabin.
I walked in and sighed.

"I'm safe from that weird man ..." I said relieved.

I walked in and looked around at what the cabin looked like.
After a few minutes, I found a sofa and sat down on it.
I was kinda tired and lay down.
After a few minutes I fell asleep.

Offender's .p.o.v.

It's been 5 hours since Slender took her.
I've been looking for her for 2 hours now.
I cant find her anywhere and almost gave up when I heard someone scream.

"(y / n) have to stay for your safety plz ..."

I looked up and saw a girl with (h / c) running away from ...
JEFF ....
I laughed and calmly followed the girl.
When I saw who it was, I hurriedly followed her.
After a while she stopped running and entered a small cabin.
I went to the cabin and gently opened the door.
When I was inside I saw (y / n)
sleeping on the couch.
She was so peaceful and I laughed softly.
I grabbed her with my tentacles and put her in my arms as I teleported to my room.
I put her on my bed and walked out of the room.
<Time skip> brought by Splendor en Sally.

(y/n) .p.o.v.

I woke up in a dark room and I started to look around.
I realized it was the room of SIR OFFENDER.
I jumped up happely and looked around if sir Offender was in,but he wasn't.
I sighed and sat down on the bed again.
I wait for a few minutes when the door was slowly opened.
When the door was fully open I saw who opened it and started running towards him.

"Sir Offender you're here. !! I shouted as I hugged him.

He started hugging me back and released me after a while.
He looked at me smiled.
I smiled back.
Slowly I grabbed Offender's hand and pulled it inside.

We walked to the bed and sat quietly on the bed.
After a while I looked at Offender and smiled.

"Sir Offender can I ask something ..?" I said quietly.

He looked up and nodded at me.

"Where had I just been and who were those people ..?"

Offender sighed and grabbed my hand.

"Promise me you're not going to hate me ..." he said cautiously as I nobbed. "You were my brother's house and your master's named Jeff ..."

I looked at him and sighed with a weak smile.

"So why am I here sir Offender ...?" I asked.

He looked at me as he got up and went to a large closet in a corner.
He took out a silver and pink rose and walked back to my side.
I looked at him and then at the rose.
It was so beautiful and shiny.
Offender gave me the rose and laughed weakly.

"Seeing this (y / n) please forgive me for what I did yesterday I was confused and I never wanted to do it ..." Offender said slowly.

I nodded and took the rose and then everything went black.
Jeff's p.o.v.

It has been hours since (y / n) disappeared.
I started to worry and walked further into the forest.
After a while I saw a small cabin and walked in that direction.
When I got to the cabin I saw someone inside.
It was OFFENDER..with (y / n) in his arms.
I rushed in but was offender too late and (y / n) were gone.
I shouted Offender's name and ran back to the mansion.
I kicked the door open and ran to Slender's office.
I knocked on the door and walked in.
Slender looked at me and put down his things.

"I know where she is ..." I said hastily.

Slender looked at me and sighed with relief.

"Where is she child ...?" Slender asked.

I looked at him and sighed.

"With Offender sir .."
Slenderman's p.o.v.

I was shocked and looked at Jeff.
Offender had caught her again and that means she is in danger.
I walked quietly to Jeff and grabbed his shoulder.

"Let's go get her before it's too late ..." Slender said in a sad voice.

I teleported with Jeff to Offender's house to save (y / n) from Offender.
If it is not too late .......

Hey guys,

I hope you liked the new part of the book.
It may be strange now but you will understand in the next part.


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