part 27

637 15 1

y / n's .p.o.v.

The path started to go back.
The lights followed me until Ben and Jeff came back into the picture.
I laughed and then saw that Jeff had something in his hands.
It was a flat rectangular box.
I looked at the box when the path suddenly stopped.
I was startled and fell forward over the flying path because of this.
I closed my eyes and was about to scream as arms wrapped around me.
I slowly opened eyes and saw Jeff holding me.
He started to laugh and looked at me.

"I can never leave you alone without something happening to you or I can." he said, laughing.

I pounted and turned head away.
He laughed even louder now and I could hear Ben giggling in the background.

"Come on Kitten. Look at me you know I didn't mean it!"

I looked at him with stern eyes and sighed.


He smiled and I saw that we had already landed on the ground again.
He put me down and slowly took his arms off my body.
Ben turned our way and smiled at me.

"And what did you think? We've been working on it for you for a long time." Ben said cheerfully.

"It was fantasies and I would never forget it. And if I do you have to remind me as soon as possible."

They laughed and then looked back.
She nodded and Jeff picked up my basket.
I looked at them with a confused look.

"We have to get back before it gets late. Andeers your father will kill us (nickname) and you know it's true." said Ben.

I nodded and we walked through some weird corridors before we got to a big TV.
Jeff and Ben looked at me and jumped through the television.
I sigh and watched the television.
I knew I had to jump through it but I needed some time before I could do it.
I sigh again and decided to count to ten in my head.
When I got to ten I finally jumped through the television.
A big white flash came before my eyes and it made me dizzy.
My eyes started to close as I slowly traveled through the network.
The journey took quite a long time and because of this I slowly started to fall asleep.

+time skip brought by Toby singing the waffel song+

I woke up and looked around.
I was in a really dark room with some windows.
I could hardly see anything and started to sit up when I felt a pressure against my body.
I tried to wiggle out of it but it didn't work for one tiny bit.
It looked like I was only stuck more then before I started to struggle.
I signed and l started to get down in bed again.
I heard a laugh next to me and looked that way.
I almost jumped in the air when I say those big black blue eyes.

'Welcome back to the world kitten.' he said while laughing.

I pounted and looked the other way.

'come on kitten we still have things to do. Or do I have to get Slender to get you out.'

I nobbed my head no and asked him to let me go.
I stepped out of the bed and Jeff did the same.
He covered my eyes and whispered in my ears.

'alright then kitten. Let's go to the last part of your mission.'


Hey guys I'm sorry it's short I have been getting a lot of test this month so I hope you guys won't mind and still enjoy the story.

Lots of love 😍


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