part 25

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Puppeteer's .p.o.v.

Me and EJ walked towards the flower field.
Little Y / N had fallen asleep on my back while we were walking and I didn't want to wake her up.
Well, at least not before we got there and that would take a while.
EJ and I walked to the place in stillness.
And honestly I was annoyed by the silence.
So I just started a conversation with Mr. I have no eyes.

"Hey EJ."

He looked up and nodded.

"Do you think everything will be fine between your family after this search of hers?"

"Well I hope so ... but I don't just trust some people with her ..."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm afraid some will not treat her well."

"But I thought they wanted to make it right."

"Many people do, but some only want to use her for things."

"And who are those people then .."

"I don't know exactly, but I know one ...."

"Say it EJ!"

"Jason the toymaker ...."

"What does he want to do with her .."

"Let's not get into that ... but the problem is the broken doll is one of his dolls. And she's at the next destination."

"You're kidding right ?!"

He shook their heads and looked at his feet.
I sigh.

"I'll stay with the little one. I can just use the excuse that she is tired."

"That would make me feel comfortable ... thank you .."

We walked on and soon saw the field in front of us.
I saw Luna sitting on a chair and Broken on the floor beside her.
I looked at EJ and we nodded.
We walked over to them and said hello.
I shake Y / N up and slowly put her on the floor.
She yawned and looked around with half-opened eyes.
Then she saw Luna and Broken sitting in front of her and smiled at them.
I laughed at her cheerfulness.
Hopefully everything is going well.

Y / N's .p.o.v.

Slowly I was shaken up by Puppy.
He put me on the floor and smiled at me.
I looked around and saw all kinds of beautiful flowers.
I yawned and looked further when I saw two girls in front of me.
I started freeing my eyes and saw who they were.

"Hello Luna and Broken." I said with a big smile.

She waved at me and laughed.
I knew that Luna and Broken don't often talk to others because they don't like it.
But I don't mind that much.
I often know what they mean in their facial expression.
Out of the blue Luna pointed to a small cabin and nodded at me.
I looked at Puppy and EJ and she nodded.
I went to the hut and saw a piece of paper with a big box under it.
I picked up the things and asked Puppy if I could have my basket.
He gave me the basket and I put the box in it.
Broken pointed to the note and I started to read it.

"This place is not in the forest but in a magical place. Where dolls come to life and plushies hug you back. Come through a blue door to this place and have a lot of fun. And don't worry you will get away too. We'll see you in a minute. Wait ... I can enter Jason toyplace !? "

Broken nodded with a smile, and Luna chuckled.
I started to jump for joy.

"I wish it had been so long."

I kept jumping around until I yawned again.
I heard EJ and Puppy laugh.
I looked at them and smiled.
I wanted Puppy to come along so that I could sleep smoothly during this mission.
So I thought why don't I ask.

Jeff The Killers Pet ( jeff x reader )Where stories live. Discover now