part 7

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Slenderman's .p.o.v.

Me and Jeffrey walked into my brother's house.
We didn't know where they were, but we had to find them.
I have a bad feeling about this situation.
I watched Jeffrey look desperately around the house.

"How are we going to find her this house is bigger than yours ..." Jeffrey said even more desperately.

I looked at him and sighed.

"Child we have to split up and go find her ..." I said quietly.

He nodded and started walking in one direction.
I did the same thing but the other way.
I ended up in a large corridor with many doors.
I sighed and walked to the first door and opened it.
It was a small room with (f / c) walls ..
I looked around the room and saw something I hadn't seen in years.
It was a little brown bear with a bow around his neck.
Tears started to roll down my cheeks and I walked towards the bear.
I picked it up and sighed.

"My brother has kept her little bear ..." he said in a sobbing voice. "I hope he can give it to her someday ..."

I put the bear down again and walked out of the room with a smile on my face.
After a few hours, I came to a large black door with a red rose on it.
I walked in that direction and suddenly heard a girl.

"I forgive Uncle Offender ..."

My heart stopped for a second.
I heard that right ... she said Uncle Offender.
But that means my little girl is in there ...
My emotions took over and almost fell to the ground.
After a few seconds, I had gathered myself and threw the door open.
I saw Offender sitting on the bed crying with a girl in his arms.
She appeared to me before ...
Offender and the girl looked up and he let go of the girl.
I looked closely at the girl in his arms when I realized who it was.
It was (y / n) the girl Jeff had taken with her.
She got up from the bed and walked in my direction.
When she stood in front of me she smiled weakly at me.
She hugged me and spoke a sentence I never expected to hear again.

"H-hello Dad ..." she said nervously.

I looked at her and slowly started to cry.
My little girl was with me again.
I started to hug her back and smiled at her.

"I-I'll be with you forever from now on my daughter .... I'm really sorry I left you ..." I said crying.
Offenderman's .p.o.v.

me and (y / n) looked up and saw someone standing at the door.
It was ... my brother.
I let her go but quickly whispered something in her ears.

"My little flower I think it's time for you and your dad to really meet .." I said softly.

She nodded and slowly started to rise from the bed and headed in his direction.
I laughed and looked at her and my brother.
They were cuddling and Slender was crying softly.
Slender calmed down and started talking to her softly, but I could just hear it.

"I-I'll be with you forever from now on my daughter .... I'm really sorry I left you .." he cried.

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I laughed.
Our little girl was back and would never leave us again.
(y/n) .p.o.v.

"I-I'll be with you forever from now on my daughter .... I'm really sorry I left you .." he said while crying.

I started hugging him even more firmly and stood there for a few minutes.
I released him and looked at him with a big smile.
It may be strange that I accept him now but he is my father and had a reason to leave me.
He smiled back and kissed my forehead.
He looked at Offender and nodded.
Uncle Offender walked over and gave me a hug.
I smiled at him.
He whispered something in my ear and went back to the bed.

"Sweety walk to the first room in the great hall with a red door and grab the bear that is in the room .." he said.

I nodded and went back to Slender.
He took my hand and went down the hall.
I stopped at the door with a red color.
I looked at my father and let go of his hand.
I walked into the room and saw a brown bear.
I picked it up and laughed.
She walked out the door and looked back at Slender.
We walked to the exit when he suddenly stopped.
He looked around as if looking for someone.

"My dear daughter, I have to look for someone okay, I'll be right back .." he said quietly.

I nodded and he telepotated away.
I sat down on the floor and waited for Slender to come back again.
After a while he came back with someone long him.
It was master Jeff.
I ran over to him and hugged him.
He smiled happily at me.

"Did you miss me so much (y / n) ..." he said quietly. " I missed you too."

I laughed and let go and looked straight into my eyes.

"Let's go daddy." I said cheerfully.

Jeff looked at us confused and Slender just nodded.

"I'll explain it to you, Master Jeff .."

He nodded and took my hand.
I looked at him laughing and nodded at my father.
He took my other hand and telepotered to the mansion.
We had arrived and walked in when someone pulled me over to him.
He was a tall man who had a dotted coat and a high one.
Alongside him was another tall man with a brown sweater and a white collar and glasses.
I looked at him confused and pushed myself away.
I ran behind my father and held him tight.
He looked at me and laughed as the other tall man looked glum.

"(y / n) this are your other uncles Splendorman and Trenderman but you can call them Splendor and Trendor." he said with a smile.

I looked at him and slowly emerged.
I smiled weakly at the two tall men in front of me.
She smiled at me and I slowly walked over to them.

"Hello..uncle Splendor and Trendor ..." I said nervous.

Slendor hugged me and looked at me with full eyes.
Trendor took my hand and smiled at me.
He gave me a chain with a red heart on it.
I put it on and smiled at them.
Splendor and Trendor took my hand and walked to the couch.
We sat down and started talking about what happened when I was gone.
After a while me and my uncles caught up.
It was really nice but they had to go on again.
I waved them off and headed to the kitchen.
I arrived in the kitchen and was thrown to the floor by someone I know.
Hey guys,

I hope you like this new part of the story.
I want to thank you al for reading this story.
I'm really happy about that.
So I will see you soon.


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