Will you forgive me?

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(y/n)'s .p.o.v.

' Hey Liu! Hey Liu! Hey Liu! Hey Liu! Hey Liu! Hey Liu!'

" What is it (y/n)?!"

' Woah, Relax man! I just wanted to wake you up.'

" Oh, I'm sorry."

' It's fine let's go get some food.'


I giggled and walked out of the room with Liu.
Not much happened until we got into the living room.
Someone was pulling on my sweater ... it was Sally.

* Happy birthday (y/n). I'm sorry I was a little late I was sleeping.*

' Thanks Sally I'm glad you remember.' I said with a bog smile on my face.

* Ofcours your my big sister! Oh, and me and daddy brought you a gift. Here.*

Sally gave me a small gift with a red packaging and a black ribbon.
I laughed and took it.
I opened the present.
I looked inside the box..
Tears came from my eyes there was a picture of me, father and my mother.
There was also a small turtle plushie.
I hugged Sally and thanked her.
She smiled at me and I did the same.
Liu stood past me and looked at me with a happy face.
After a few minutes, Sally had run away and me and Liu walked to the kitchen.
We arrived at the kitchen and it was empty.
I sighed happily and started baking pancakes for us.
We ate so much that it almost made us sick.
Liu and I looked at each other and laughed loudly.
But that quickly stopped when someone entered the kitchen.
It was ... Jeff.
I jumped up and wanted to run out of the kitchen, but was stopped.
I struggled and felt the compulsion gripped.
But suddenly the person was pushed backwards.
It was none other than Slender.
He was back.
I ran to him and hugged him.

"Congratulations my dear daughter!
Did you have a nice day?"

I looked at him with sad eyes and shook my head.
He looked at me and sighed.

"What happened to my child?"

"They forgot my birthday ... Everyone except Liu and Sally ..."

I started to cry softly again.
He looked at me and started stroking my back.

"Shh, it'll be all right now ..."

I looked at him and smiled.
He released me and took my hand
He took me to a small room with lots of presents.
I looked at him with a confused face and he could only laugh.

"I felt something was wrong and Liu told me what happened so we got you a whole mountain."

My face started to light up.
I walked over to the presents and didn't know where to start.
I was only finished after 4 hours.
Outside it was slowly getting dark.
I unwrapped the last present.
It contained a music box.
The music box was (f / c) and had nice patterns.
I saw a doll in the box.
But that doll seemed familiar to me.

"That's me ... But how? '

"I asked an old friend of ours to make it for you, do you like it?"

I nodded and ran to him.
I was so happy to have him as a father.
I smiled at me.
Me and Slender brought all the presents to my room.
I did not know where to put it all, but fortunately we have put it away well.
My dad and I walked down again.
I held his hand because I was afraid of what was to come.
Slender saw that I was nervous and smiled at me.
We walked on and arrived in the living room.
I immediately felt looked at and stood behind my dad.
I didn't want to face the other one yet.
They had forgotten an important day for me as if it were nothing.
I didn't mind that yet, they didn't care about what had happened and just kept on partying.
When they saw me and Slender entering the room they immediately jumped up.
They looked at me and I looked away from them.
Slender looked up at them with angry eyes.
They jumped back and looked away again.
They were afraid and I was quite happy with that.
I didn't have to forgive them yet.
But there was someone who still looked at me.
It was Jeff.
He looked at me with sad eyes.
I ran away before I felt guilty.
Slender didn't follow, he walked over to the other.
I knew what he was going to do and I walked towards Liu.
He was still in the kitchen.
I ran over to him and hugged him.

"Thanks for all the presents, but it really wasn't necessary."

"You're welcome. And there were too few I wanted to get more, but Slender couldn't afford it anymore."

"Did you spend that much ?! '

Liu nodded.

"But I have another surprise come to the forest in half an hour."

I nodded and he walked away.
I went upstairs and started getting ready.
I put on a (s / f / c /) shirt and black pants.
I looked at the time and saw that I had 10 minutes left.
I decided to do something on my phone when there was a knock.
I looked up and walked to the door.
I opened it and immediately wanted to slam it shut.
Jeff was at my door.
Why don't he just leave me alone.

"(y / n) pls listen to me even if it's 1 minute."

I looked at him silently.
I didn't know what to do.
After a few minutes I gave him a chance.
He smiled at me.

"I'm really sorry (nick name) ... I was an idiot. I broke your trust, hurt your pain and I don't want to. I want to do everything to make it right. Please ..... '

I looked at him and I started to feel guilty

"Anything you say ..."

He nodded at me.
I looked him directly in the eye and had an idea.
I started laughing softly at myself.

: Okay but you will make me dinner for 4 months. "

He didn't know what to say.
The only thing he did was stare at me.
I began to get impatient and looked at the clock.
I only had 2 minutes left.
I wanted to leave the room when I was stopped.

"Fine ...."

I looked at him and smiled,

"My first order is let me go. I have to go somewhere."

He looked at me and let go.

"Where are you going (y / n)?"

"I'm going to the forest With Liu ..."

He looked at me and sighed.
I looked at him again and then walked away to the forest.
Hey guys,

I hope you liked this chapter.


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