part 24

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Y/N's .p.o.v.

Me and Sally were in my room adding the last things about the outfits.
Sall had a red me pink dress and a small bow and I was wearing a (f / c) crop top with black pants.
To finish the outfits I go Sally a headband with a pink bow and I had my flower crown from Liu in my hair.
Sally and I put on our shoes and walked out of my room.
We walked downstairs and greeted my dads downstairs.

"Ah you are ready then we can go. Take my hand Sweety and Sally you will join me Zalgo."

"Alright." me and Sally said to the contrary.

I grabbed Daddy's slenders and teleported away.
When we arrived I saw that we were still at the mansion but at the back of the building.
I looked around and saw people sitting on the stairs.
I looked at my father and he nodded.
I walked to where people were and saw Big Brother Masky and Hoodie sitting there.
I ran over to them and gave them a hug.
I looked at Hoodie and laughed.

"And you said you didn't know when Big Brother came back."

He laughed and stroked my head.

"Sometimes you have to keep things secret from you y / n."

I could only laugh.

"Ahem let's just start okey?" Masky said to Hoodie.

Hoodie nodded at him.

"Okay N / N your mission is quite easy. There are several hints in the forest.
Your job is to find them all.
With some hints, you have to go through a portal. "

"Wait wait wait wait ... why does this sound like the game I just played with Liu."

"Because it might be a game." said Hoodie.

I started jumping and smiled at them.

"Okay guys I trust you will guide her well with this mission." said Father.

"Don't worry, Slender will be fine." Maksy said.

Father nodded and teleported to who knows where.
I looked up at Masky and Hoodie again.

Okey N / N we are going to work as follows.
You will receive three things from us immediately.
A bag, your first hint and a small box with a card from whom you received the box or something else like a box of course.
You shouldn't open any of these until you get back to the mansion. Hoodie and I walk with you the first hint so we know you're going to be okay.
Okey let's get started. "

Hoodie gave me a (f / c) basket with a note and a box with Hoodie and Masky on the card.

"Okey read the first hint." Hoodie said.

I picked up the note and started reading it.

"I'm tall and I'm in the woods. And you've bumped into me more than once. What am I and who is right there? Jeez they really did their best to make it rhyme."

Hoodie and Masky laughed.

"Well N / N any idea what it is?" Hoodie asked.

"Well I've been bumped into it many times and it's in the woods. I know two places it could be but one isn't that big so it couldn't be ..."

Hoodie and Masky looked at me with an amused look and I sigh.

"The only place I can think of is the big tree at the end of the path around here."

"Okay then we'll go there." Masky said.

I nodded and picked up my basket.

"Letssss Gooo!"

Jeff The Killers Pet ( jeff x reader )Where stories live. Discover now