part 2

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??? .p.o.v.

I chuckled when she passed out.
I held her in my arms and teleported away.
"she looked pretty cute while she was sleeping.
what am I saying damnit "
Then he shook his head.
He arrived at a large black door and opened it.
The room had a large double bed.
With (F / C) walls and a (SF / C) carpet.
He put the girl on the bed and tied her up by the sides.
He walked to the door.
Then he turned and looked at the girl with a smile.

Time skip---brought bij Ticci toby.

(y / n). p.o.v.
I woke up in an unknown room and was startled.
"where the heck am I.!"
She tried to get up but couldn't.
I pulled on the rope but no movement.
I gave up and felt powerless.
Icouldn't calm down and started crying.
I was very scared.
I could hardly breathe.

Suddenly there were footsteps in the hallway.
The door opened and there was the boy who was in her house.
(y / n) was scared and moved slowly against the tip of the bed.
He just laughed and got closer.
He stood in front of her and took her cheek.
(y / n) turned red and tried to hide her face.
He lifted her face and smiled.
"How is my little pet doing?"
(y / n) looked up and didn't know what he wanted and what he meant.
But she didn't feel good about it.
"Who are you and what do you want from me"
You heard laughter and was startled by his reaction.
"First I'm Jeff and you should call me master ~
And second you are now my pet since you saw me kill your family. "
You said nothing and could only look at him.

Jeff's p.o.v.

She said nothing, all she did was stare at me.
I laugh at her reaction.
I moved to the side and whispered in her ear:
"should I just untie you then ~"
She looked at me and became even redder than she already was.
When she was untied she wanted to run but I held her tightly by the arm
She looked at me frightened and slowly began to cry.
I don't know what I felt but it hurt and let go of her arm.
I looked the other way and went to the wardrobe.
"What would suit her"
(Y/n) looked at him and walked in that direction too.
"What do you think of this?"
She nobbed at him.
"So you like it well then put it on we have to go somewhere."
(y/n) walked to the bathroom and started to change.
Time skip-- giving bij slenderman with his bad joke---

Jeff's .p.o.v.

She came out of the bathroom and I blushed.
The dress looked beautiful on her.
It suited her (h / c) hair and (e / c) eyes.
I walked over to her and gave her a collar.
"Put this on for your safety."
She nodded and put the collar on carefully.
"W-where are we going ..?" Asked (y / n) nervously.
"You can see that when we get there and take my hand it can get weird .."
She turned as red as a tomato and didn't know if to do it.
But after a few minutes, she took his hand and walked into a large hall with him.
He looked (y / n) and laughed.

(y / n) .p.o.v.

Master Jeff and I walked into a large hall.
He looked at me and laughed.
I was speechless about the room and said nothing.
It was so beautiful.
The hall had beautiful gray walls and a large chandelier on top of the balcony.
I thought it was fantastic.
"Shall we go then?"
I nodded with enthusiasm.
He laughed and walked in with me.
There were many people with beautiful suits and dresses.
But there were also people who brought a weapon.
"We're going to find some friends of mine okay.?"
And they went looking for master Jeff's friends.

Hey I hope you liked the second part of my book.

And if you have tips send them to me.

see u next time.


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