part 12

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(y/n) .p.o.v.

Liu and I arrived at the mansion.
He had calmed down a bit and I was happy with that.
I walked into the mansion and quickly hugged Liu before I walked away.
I went upstairs and to my room.
I lay down on my bed and sighed.
It had been a fun day with Liu.
He had really done his best to cheer me up.
I was happy that he was my friend and would always be there for me.
I don't know what I should do without him.
I laughed and got ready for bed.
After a few minutes I was done and was under the blanket.
And before I knew it I fell asleep.

After a few hours I woke up.
I looked at the clock and saw that it was only 3.30 am.
I sighed and got out of bed.
I was no longer tired and didn't feel like lying in bed anymore.
I decided to go to the forest.
I went to the closet and sighed again.
I started to change clothes and walked out of the room when I was done.
I walked down gently not to wake anyone up.
I walked out the door and ran into the forest.
After a few hours of walking I found a nice cave.
I walked into the cave and saw beautiful crystals.
I walked even further into the cave when suddenly there was a flash.
I turned around and saw a large portal between the crystalls.
The portal had many beautiful colors.
I walked towards the portal and was sucked in.
Everything went black and I didn't dare to look.
After a few minutes I opened my eyes and jumped back.
I was standing in front of a large red and black country house.
It was covered with flames and a red pond flowed around it.
After a minute I found out it wasn't water but ... Lava ..
I jumped up and walked away from the pond.
I walked towards the manor and stopped.
Suddenly I heard sounds behind me and turned up quickly.
I looked around but saw nothing.
I shrugged and sighed.
After a while I looked back at the mansion.
The flames were so beautiful.
I looked at the house and laughed a little.
It reminded me of Offender's house but the flames.
I looked further and a big beautiful red door.
I went to the door and opened it.
I walked in and saw a beautiful hall.
The hall had red walls and a small table with white snowdrops.
There were three courses, each with a different color carpet.
The left corridor had a gray carpet.
The middle one had a dark blue carpet.
And the one on the right had a black carpet.
I looked around and saw a great throne.
It was golden with red diamonds in the edges.
I walked towards the throne.
I quite liked it and laughed.
I just wanted to touch it when I felt something tap my back.
I turned around and was startled.
A boy with red hair and black eyes was standing behind me.
He smiled at me and I looked down.

"Hello dear what are you doing in here" he said in a soft voice.

I looked at him and sighed.

"I'm sorry sir but it looked so nice I wanted to take a look ..."

"Don't worry, it's okay ... It's nice to have a visit."

I looked at him with happy eyes and laughed.

"I'm (y / n) (l / n) .. What's your name sir?"

"Oh yes I haven't imagined my name is Zalgo dear .."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Zalgo .."

He laughed and turned around.

"Would you like to see my house (y / n)?"

I nodded excitedly and followed Zalgo.
He showed me many beautiful rooms.
And I also meet other people.
For example, there was a girl named Charla (sorrry if this is your name ..) her killer name is painkiller.
She was very nice and I think we even became friends.
We exchanged numbers and then Zalgo and I walked on.
After a while we arrived at the last room.
The room had a nice (f / c) look and had a small rose on the window.
I looked at the deaur with a happy face.
I heard someone laugh behind me.
I turned to see Zalgo smile

"Can I come in here?"

He nodded and I enthusiastically opened the door.
I walked into the room and laughed.
The room had black walls with stars on them.
A big red bed and a red wardrobe.
There was a large teddy bear on the bed.
He had a black coat and a (favorite flower) in his hand.
I walked to the bed and picked up the bear.
I smiled and looked at Zalgo.

"Who owns this room?"

He looked at me with sad eyes and sighs.

 "This room belonged to my little girl who was taken from me because of a stupid rule."

"What do you mean..? "

"I met a girl 18 years ago ..
She had (h / c) hair and green eyes.
I immediately liked her and asked if we could become friends ..
We became good friends and even more than that.
After 2 years I asked if she wanted to be my girlfriend and she said yes.
After a month we found out she was pregnant.
I was so happy but it didn't take long.
Because an old friend of mine also liked her to bathe, and did something unforgivable.
He knew her memory about me and took her.
We fell in love and married a few months later.
I was devastated and locked myself in this house.
But then I heard she had a child and I knew it was my child.
I wanted to see her but I couldn't ...
I could no longer find her soul in the world.
Then I knew what was going on.
My old friend had a strict rule in his family.
If you are in a relationship with a human and if she also has a child, you must kill the mother and leave the child behind ...
I never left the house that moment.
All I want now is to find my daughter ... "

I looked at him wide-eyed.
I wanted to say something but I couldn't.
My sight slowly disappeared and I heard Zalgo call my name ..
Hey guys,

I hope you liked the twist...
And don't get mad pls..
I hope i will see you next time..


Jeff The Killers Pet ( jeff x reader )Where stories live. Discover now