part 15

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(y/n) .p.o.v.

I followed Zalgo to the grand ballroom.
I looked around and saw all kinds of snacks and people.
I laughed and let go of Zalgo's hand and gave him a hug.
He smiled at me and hugged me back.

"Do you like it princess?"

I nodded happily and let go.
I saw many people, but someone caught my attention.
I told my father Zalgo that I am going to look around and he nodded at me.
I laughed and ran to the person.
When I was only a meter away from him I saw who it was.

"LIU ?!"

I ran over to him and hugged him.
He smiled and hugged me back.

"What are you doing here..? "

"Well Zalgo asked if I wanted to come over for a special party and I thought why not. But why are you here (y / n)?"

"Well this party is kind of for me .." I said nervously.

He looked at me with wide eyes and slowly released me.
He was about to say something when Zalgo started talking.

"Dear people, I hope you are having a good time on this special day. Today we celebrate that a special person has come back into my life. She was away from me for a long time, but now she has come back here by fate. I would now like to introduce you to my daughter (y / n).
(y / n) please come this way. "

Liu looked at me with even bigger eyes and I laughed.
I walked towards my father Zalgo and took his hand.

"This is my sweet little princess (y / n).
I hope you'll like her as much as I do and never hurt her. (y / n) do you want to say something .. "

I looked at him with a smile and nodded slowly.

"Don't worry, I'm protecting you ..." Zalgo whispered in my ear.

I already felt a little safer and looked at the group of people.

"Hello I am (y / n) and I hope we will have fun together ...... And if any of you ever hurt me I have no reason not to do it myself .... "

They looked at me wide-eyed and a few smiles slowly appeared on their faces.

You're just like your father I heard someone say.
I started laughing and asked Father Zalgo if I can go now.
He nodded at me and I hugged him.
He hugged back and you heard people say "aw" in the background.
I laughed and ran free.
I looked at him with a smile and then walked back to Liu.
I saw him talking to someone now.
He was wearing a black and white mask and scarf.
And a black hoodie.
He held a glass of wine.
I walked in their direction and hugged Liu.
He was shocked and I laughed.
He looked at me and sighed.

"(nickname) you really have to stop doing that. I have another heart attack because of you."

"I can't help it if you're a wimp Liu .. And who is this anyway?"

"Firstly I'm not a wimp and secondly this is a good friend of mine Kagokao."

I smiled at him and he bowed to me.

"It's an honor to meet you princess (y / n)."

"It sure is and why did you call me a princess I'm just (y / n) .."

Liu and Kagokao looked at each other.
And started laughing.

"Okay just (y / n) I would remember to call you that," said Kagokao.

I smiled at him and hugged him.
He felt it jump up.
But for a few minutes he gave me a hug back.

"We are friends from now on." I said with a very big smile.

Jeff The Killers Pet ( jeff x reader )Where stories live. Discover now