Welcome to France

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After almost 10 hours of flight, they arrived at Paris at almost 7 pm.

"Hey, wanna go grab dinner?" Andrew asked as they entered the hotel.

"Uh no thanks, I think I'll just call room service" she gave him a small smile, he just nodded understandingly.

"Good evening ma'am and sir, how may I help you tonight?" the receptionist gave them enthusiasm and a genuine smile.

"Uh yes, room reservation under the name of Nick Marsh?" Andrew replied.

"Oh yes sir 2 rooms sir, if I am right?" she asked.

"Yes, that's right" he nodded.

"Here you go" the woman said as she gave him the keys "Enjoy your stay!" the woman added,

"Thank you" they both replied

"Too much enthusiasm" she mumbled as they both walked away.

"Yeah, I know" he chuckled as he handled her the key.


"Goodnight" he smiled opening his door.

"Goodnight" she smiled back before stepping inside.

She let herself fell down on the bed for a few minutes before unpacking.She hang all her clothes in the closet and placing all her essential in the vanity besides the closet. She took a quick shower to wash off the long day she had.

She stepped out of the shower wrapping a white robe around her body and a towel to dry her hair. She picked out a pair of silk pajamas before laying down in bed with a laptop in her hand.

She called in a room service and it should be here anytime soon.

20 minutes later she was sitting comfortably in bed when she heard someone on the door,must be the room service.

It's room service.

She was eating while doing some of the paperwork for the client tomorrow. She wanted to make a good impression so she wanted to be prepared, also Nick mentioned that it's a big but simply client, so this might be easier than she thought.


The next morning, thet both meet up in the lobby area.

"Good morning" he greeted smiling at her.

"Good morning" she smiled back.

"Ready?" he asked.

"More than ready" she replied confidently as they both made their way to the rental car, and made their way to the client's building.

"The weather's nice today" Meredith said looking out of the window.

"Yeah, not too sunny. I like it" he replied.

"Did you have breakfast?" he asked focusing on the road.

"I wake up too early to catch up some paperworks I didn't had the time, I had coffee and a bagel" she answered.

"Great, I didn't have breakfast either." he said, pulling up into a driveway of some restaurant.

"You're serious? we're going to be late!" she said.

"We have a  hour" he said.

"And the ride is 30 minutes" she gave back.

"We need energy, you wanted to impress them right?" he asked.

"Yeah, don't you?" she gave back frowning slightly.

"You really don't want to eat?" he asked again.

"No" she shook her head. "We could have lunch though" she suggested.

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