Chapter 3

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"Is this seriously where you live?" Olivia asked in astonishment, looking out the same window that Sadie was currently pressing her hands and nose up against.

"Yeah," Kieran replied casually, pulling the car into the driveway and putting it in park. "You guys head inside. I'll grab your bags."

Sadie and Olivia raced up the set of stairs and to the door. I reached over them and rang the doorbell.

A short, older woman dressed in a black and white dress with graying hair and a kind smile answered the door. Having been expecting us, she welcomed us inside.

We took our shoes off at the door before following, who I assumed was the housekeeper, through the foyer. 

"I'm Ruth, Mr. Grant's housekeeper and a dear friend of Mr. Andrews."

This house is insane. Everything in here is so modern from the furniture down to the windows canvassing the perimeter. Although the home was lovely and looked cozy, you could definitely tell a man lived here. It looked and felt so bachelor-like with all of its neutral tone colors and lack of decorations.

"Who's Mr. Grant?" Sadie asked in curiosity.

"Why he's the owner of the house dear." She ushered us into the dining hall. "Take a seat. I'm sure you're all famished."

She has no idea.

Sitting down at the table, I eye all the food items set out for us. Ham, mashed potatoes, spinach, and bread rolls. I haven't had a hot dish in so long and was looking forward to digging in.

"So where exactly is Mr. Grant?" Olivia asked, fixing Sadie a plate before making her own.

"He's away on business, but he'll be back tomorrow. And hopefully in a good mood."

"What do you mean by that?" Olivia questioned. "Is he some bald, grumpy old man?"

"Olivia," I scolded, apologizing to Ruth for her manners.

"He's not bald or old," Kieran answered, joining us at the table. "But he's definitely a grump." Kieran noticed the worry look on my face and smiled. "Don't worry, he's not that bad."

I noticed the concerned expression etching onto Ruth's face. She doesn't seem to confident in Kieran's answer.

"Does he know we're staying here?" I asked, picking up a piece of ham with my fork and eating it slowly.

"No, he doesn't. He's going to be pissed as hell, but he'll get over it."

Kieran's way too calm for me. I mean I would assume he knows how his boss is, which is why he's so calm. But still, I would have thought he'd tell his boss before just inviting us here. Even if this is his home as well.

"It's getting late. Ruth do you mind showing them to their rooms?"

"Of course." Standing up, she had another housekeeper come in and take our plates into the kitchen while she ushered us to follow her up a set of steps and down the hall to our rooms. "This is where you two will be staying."

Opening the door, Olivia and Sadie walked into the large, spacious room with two queen sized beds. It was pretty bland in color with your traditional white like the rest of the house, but it was far better than the crappy apartment we were living in before.

"Wow!" Sadie squealed, jumping onto the bed closest to the window. "I get my own bed!"

Olivia sat down on the edge of her bed, smoothing her hand over the soft material. I smiled at her because I knew she liked the bed, but didn't want to say anything. She wasn't totally ready to trust Kieran just yet, which was understandable. We trusted our parents and they lied to us, so I don't blame her reluctance.

"Your room is just next door, Elle. Mr. Andrews figured you would want to be close to your sisters."

Leaving the girls to their room, Ruth opened the door and I walked into the room. I was immediately drawn to the large window displaying a beautiful view of the lively city of Los Angeles, California.

"Are you sure Mr. Grant will be okay with us staying here?" I asked Ruth, still gazing out at the city lights.

"To tell you the truth, I'm not sure. You and sisters would be the first to occupy his home. He's not really a fan of people." I turn around to look at her, contemplating grabbing my sisters and just staying in a motel. Ruth picks up on that. "You don't have to leave. Mr. Grant may not be the social type, but he has a big heart. And he would never turn a blind eye to someone in need of anything."

"I hope you're right."

Before leaving, Ruth showed me where the bathroom was located. And she also showed me where she and the other housekeeper were saying should I ever need anything. Thanking her, she took her leave, closing the door behind her.

In need of a shower, I stripped out of my uniform and tossed the shirt into the trash can near the door. I wasn't going to be needing that anymore. Even if they begged me to come back I wasn't ever going to step foot in that place again.

Finding a fresh white robe in the closet, I slipped it on and crossed the hall into the bathroom. "Damn." The bathroom was just as big as the bedroom, a glass shower, Jacuzzi tub, and double sinks occupying the spacious bathroom.

Locking the door, I removed my robe and hung it up on the back of the door before padding over to the shower and turning it on.

When it was warm enough to my liking, I grabbed a wash rag from the bathroom closet and stepped inside. I completely submerged my body under the water, sighing in content. I probably smelled like a wet dog from the bus splashing me with water earlier.

Reaching for the unopened bar of soap, I opened the box and lathered my rag in soap. I began to scrub my body until I no longer smelled of wet dog and instead smelled of lavender and vanilla.

Staying under the shower for a little longer, I didn't leave the shower until about an hour later. I don't know when the last time I actually felt clean. The shower at my apartment always sprayed cold water and sometimes the water would stop working all together. Living in that apartment was rough.

I found a blow dryer and even a new toothbrush under the sink. After drying my hair and brushing my teeth, I put back on my robe and returned to my bedroom.

I paused when I saw Kieran sitting on my bed with a gray tee shirt and a pair of black boxer briefs neatly folded in his hands.

"I noticed that most of the belongings in your suitcases belonged to your sisters, so I thought you might need some clothes to wear tonight."

"Thank you," I told, taking the clothes from his hands.

Disappearing into the closet, I quickly got dressed into his clothes and came back out. The shirt was a little bit big on me, so it hung a little loosely around my shoulders and nearly reached my knees. The boxers fit surprisingly well. And they were really comfortable.

"What?" I asked with a nervous smile, realizing Kieran was staring at me. The look in his eyes was difficult to decipher. And I couldn't tell what was going on in his head.

He cleared his throat and looked away. "You should get some sleep." He then stood up and started for the door.

"Wait." Kieran paused, twisting his upper body to look at me, his hand on the door knob. "Thank you," I reiterated, truly grateful for his hospitality.

He tilted his head, smiling at me. "No problem, Elle."

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