Chapter 36

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Maybe if I suck Tobias' dick, he'll feel less inclined to punish me for going against his wishes in regards to the surprise party Kieran and I were throwing for him.

Kieran and I just finished putting up the last of the decorations, while Olivia and Sadie have been working to keep Tobias occupied for the time being.

Olivia has been updating me every now and then. She thinks he suspects something is going on, but isn't quite sure what.

I sent my sister a text letting her know that we were all finished decorating, guests had arrived, and that she was okay to head back home now.

My phone buzzed on the kitchen counter, grabbing my attention. I glanced at the screen as it lip, Olivia responding to my message.

Olivia: Okay. We will be there in five minutes.

I sucked in a deep breath, turning to face Kieran. "How do I look?" I asked, making note of the way Kieran's eyes raked over my body.

Since physical touch is his love language, I knew that it wouldn't take him long before he was feeling all over me.

He reached out to smooth his hand over my ass, his other hand playing with my hair. "Like a fucking goddess," he murmured, kissing my neck.

I was wearing a black dress adorn in lace with a split that started from my right thigh and traveled down to the floor. It had a plunging neckline that I knew Tobias would love.

This dress cost an arm and a leg, but it was worth it. Tobias deserved the best for his birthday. Which is why I know he'll love my gift for him.

"You look quite dapper yourself," I said with a smile, weaving my fingers through his hair. He grazed my neck with his teeth, drawing a gasp out of me.

"Ew," a voice said from a few feet behind me.

I glared back at my sister Olivia, who was standing at the entrance with Sadie by her side.

"Where's Tobias?"

"Grabbing all of our shopping bags."

I nodded, Kieran pulling away from me to instruct everyone to hide. Sadie flicked the lights off and ran to me so we could hide behind a wall.

The door opened and all of our guests popped out from their choice of hiding place.

"Surprise!" We all shouted simultaneously.

Tobias didn't look happy.

He dropped the shopping bags he was carrying and walked away. I gave Kieran a worried look, before apologizing to our guests.

The Chief and his family, Ruth, Margaret, and a few of his employees were here. They all told me and Kieran this wouldn't be a good idea. I don't know why we didn't listen to them.

"I'll go talk to him," I said, before scurrying down the hall, my heels click-clacking against the marble flooring.

I found Tobias in his office, a drink in hand. He was standing in front of the window, his back to me.

"I want them all out of my fucking house in the next five minutes," he snarled.

"But it's your birthday, Tobias. Don't you think you should be celebrating with your friends and family?"

He turned around, slamming his nearly empty glass of bourbon on his desk. I flinched, looking him in his icy eyes. "I told you I didn't want a fucking party. And like the disobedient brat you fucking are, you went behind my back anyway."


"Get out."


"Get the fuck out of my face, Elle!"

My heart dropped, my chest tight. He's never yelled at me like this before. Tears began to stream down my face as I hurriedly left his office, bumping into Kieran.

I sobbed into his suit, feeling him gently stroke the back of my head. I looked up at him through blurred vision, sobbing harder than I ever have before. "I was just trying to do something nice for him."

"I know, baby." He tilted his head, kissing me on the forehead. "Go wait with everyone else. I'll talk to him." Kieran wiped the tears from my eyes. "Don't cry, love. You'll ruin your beautiful make up."

I sniffled, nodding my head and rejoining everyone back in the foyer. "Is everything okay?" Chief Wilson asked with concern.

"You guys were right," I replied softly, my bottom lip quivering as I tried to keep from crying again. "You all should leave. I'm sorry for wasting your time."

Everyone's attention shifted to whatever was behind me and I slowly turned around to see Kieran and Tobias.

"Tobias has something he would like to say," Kieran said, glaring at him.

Tobias shoved a hand into the pocket of his dark slacks, refusing to make eye contact with me.

"Thank you all for doing this for me. I'm sorry for being a dick."

Kieran nudged Tobias roughly, whispering something to him. I heard my name and then Tobias was looking at me.

My breath caught and I began twiddling my thumbs nervously.

"Come here."

I slowly inched towards him, feeling smaller than I already was compared to him. He cupped the back of my neck and and pulled me into his chest.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you," he whispered. "I know you meant well."

I brought my gaze to his. "I'm sorry for not listening to you."

He lowered his head and kissed me. It wasn't rough like it normally is when he kisses me. His lips were soft, the kiss filled with a sensual passion that I'm not familiar with when it comes to him.

I was freaking out on the inside, because not only was all of his friends and family watching, but everyone already saw me with Kieran. Which means they now know I was theirs and they were mine.

Breaking the kiss to look me in my eyes, his grip on the back of my neck tightened. Not enough to hurt me, but enough to get his message across.

"Although I forgive you, your disobedience deserves a good spanking."

I smiled, prompting Tobias' brows to raise in curiosity and confusion. "You're right."

"Why do I get the feeling you want me to spank you, little brat?" He kept his voice low, so only I could hear.

Even when whispering, Kieran still picked up on the sexual arura being emitted from me and Tobias.

"That's because I do, birthday boy."

Kieran pushed in between us, creating a barrier between me, Tobias, and the sexual tension brewing. "Alright, that's enough you two. Leave the dom and sub shit for later. Right now, we have a party to enjoy."

I glanced back, almost forgetting that Tobias and I weren't alone. I had a habit of doing that whenever I was with him or Kieran.

Tobias nodded slowly before walking away to thank his family and friends for being here to celebrate his birthday.

I looked to Kieran. "How did you get him to change his mind?"

I was very curious to know what kind of magic Kieran worked on Tobias.

"After finding out he made you cry, I socked him in his face."

"You did what?"

I hadn't seen any bruise on Tobias' face. But then I guess I wasn't really looking anywhere else except in his eyes.

Tobias' was high-fiving Sadie when I narrowed my eyes at him. I scanned his face, zeroing in on a pinkish-red bruise on his right cheek.

"We argued for a bit," he continued. "But eventually, he realized that he had been an asshole and wanted to fix it."

"So he still hates the party we threw for him?"

"Oh yeah," he replied with a nod. "He's still pissed about that. But he'll get over it. Now come on, let's party."

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