Chapter 20

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Elle's POV
When Kieran told me he and Tobias were taking me out to a fancy five star restaurant, I didn't waste any time getting ready. It took me an hour to find a dress to wear, and about two hours to perfect my look.

"You look so beautiful," Sadie said, watching me pin my hair up into a curly bun. Leaving two strands out, I let them hang down on either side of my face.

"Thank you, ladybug."

"I can't believe you're going out on a date with both of them. I mean don't you think that's a little weird?" Olivia asked, sitting on the rim of the tub with Sadie beside her.

"They do it all the time in The Bachelorette," I told her, pushing up my cleavage in the mirror.

"Yeah, but the girl usually ends up with one guy- not two."

I sighed, turning away from the mirror to look at my sister. I want to tell her that it's okay to love them both, but I don't love them. I just want to fuck them.

"I'm just having a little fun, Liv. There's no harm in that is there?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "I wouldn't know. I'm not sleeping with two guys at the same time."

My face reddens. "I'm not sleeping with them. Not yet anyway."

Olivia huffs, folding her arms over her chest and shaking her head at me like a mother disappointed in their child for bringing home a bad report card. 

"You have fun with that," she muttered, rising to her feet. "Come on Sadie. "Let's go see what Ruth and Margaret are doing."

I knew Olivia wasn't very happy with me messing with two guys, but she doesn't know about the contract. Nor does she know that it was my choice to become involved with them. 

And just because I'm in a polyamorous relationship with Tobias and Kieran doesn't mean I've forgotten about them. All of the money I've made while working for Tobias at his company will go towards a new apartment for us. That's been the goal all along.

Besides, this isn't forever. I made that clear from the beginning. My sisters come first. No matter how good living in a nice house with two hot men who want to fuck you is.

After having the guys wait in the foyer for almost thirty minutes and hearing Tobias threaten to leave without me, I finally make it downstairs.

A grin is plastered on my face when I see their eyes almost immediately rake over my body. The wine red dress I'm wearing is rather simple, but it does the job. It's short and tight, which I know will drive Tobias and Kieran wild.

I'm feeling powerful with each sensual stride down the steps. The moment is quickly short-lived, reality humbling me when I lose my footing on the last step in my red bottom stilettos and go tumbling forward.

I'm expecting to fall flat on my face, but instead a pair of firm hands are on my hips and my face is being planted into the hard chest of Tobias. 

Breathing in his cologne, I tilted my head up to look into his blue eyes. "Thank you."

"Whatever. Just be more careful next time."

He moved away from me, the space where his hands had been just as cold as his attitude. When he turned his back to me, I flipped him off and stuck my tongue out at him.

Kieran, who had seen the whole thing chuckled and looped his arm around my waist. "Come on, clumsy."

Heading outside, Kieran guides me over to a limousine where an older gentleman dressed in a traditional black and white suit is standing in front of the door to the passenger's seat.

I gave him a polite smile and wave, surprised that we would be going to the restaurant in a limousine. I don't remember the last time I've been in one of these things. Maybe prom? Who knows.

 The chauffeur grabs the brim of his hat, dipping his head in acknowledgement. The door to the backseat is opened, the chauffeur looking and standing straight ahead as I sat down in the car.

Thanking him, the guys followed in after me, sitting in the seat directly across from me. They sat with their legs slightly spread, Tobias staring out the window while Kieran smiled at me.

The two are complete opposites of one another. Kieran's always got a smile on his face like theirs a rainbow floating above his head. While Tobias never smiles, a dark gloomy cloud above his head.

They even dress differently. Tobias is wearing an all black three piece suit that reminds me much of the fifties and or sixties.

Kieran on the other hand, is wearing a white dress shirt, black tie and slacks, along with a black leather jacket. Which kind of reminds me of the nineties.

Both have their own style and personality, which is what attracted me to them in the first place. Despite their differences, they pair well together. So well, that I was surprised when they told me they've never had sex with each other. They seem so close with one another that I just figured that's what they were into.

Aside from exchanging a couple of words with Kieran, the ride to the restaurant was silent. Thankfully, the drive was short so I didn't have to sit in such awkwardness for too long.

I didn't think Tobias would even look my way until he finally turned his head and patted his lap. "Come here." Confused but curious, I shifted over to his side of the limo and sat down on his lap. "Open your legs," he demanded.

There was no hesitation, my legs spreading at the deep sound of his husky voice. He reached into the pocket of his vest, withdrawing a little cerulean blue egg shaped sex toy.


I wasn't sure what he was about to do, but I went with it anyway because this is the most Tobias has ever paid any sexual attention to me apart from when he spanked me.

Pushing the little blue egg into my mouth, he slowly withdrew the saliva covered toy from between my lips. "What are you going to do with that?"

"You'll see," he murmured, using his other hand to reach under my dress and move my panties out of the way. Dropping the hand containing the sex toy, he circled my bud a few times before thrusting it into my pussy.

I gasped softly, caught off guard by the invasive feeling. The egg slipped in pretty easily, my pussy wet from when Tobias rubbed my sensitive bud with the toy.

"What does it do?"

"You'll find out soon enough, sweetheart." He smiled, the gesture charming despite how dark his eyes had gotten. "If you manage to sit through the entire dinner without coming, we will give you tonight to do whatever you want with us."

I perked up, shifting on Tobias' lap. He groaned softly, the sound so low that I almost didn't hear it. The growing erection pressed against my ass brings a smile to my face. 

"Do you think you can handle it, darling?"

I nodded, the chauffeur opening the door just as I was reaching for the door handle. Thanking him for his chivalry, I made sure to brush Tobias' lap with my ass as I moved off his lap and exited the vehicle.

Smoothing my hands down the thigh-high dress, I waited for Tobias and Kieran to get out of the car so I could hook my arms around theirs.

Kieran looked at me, sporting a curious expression on his handsome face. "You're surprisingly calm. Tell me, why is that?"

"It's going to take a lot more than a sex toy to make me come."

"Is that so?" Kieran questioned, intrigued. 

"Yep. Now come on," I said, tugging them into the restaurant. "I'm starving."

It's clear they're trying to get payback for all the hell I've been putting them through lately. And although clever- it will never work.

I don't break easily.

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