Chapter 16

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Elle's POV
Something in my gut is telling me to call an Uber and go home. But I'm so sexually frustrated that I'm not even thinking straight.

Getting out of the car, I ignore the gut feeling and follow the guy inside. Taking the elevator up to his floor, we walk down the hall and stop at the door of his apartment.

Once he gets the door unlocked and opened, I don't waste another second as my throw my arms around his neck and kiss him.

I feel nothing when I kiss him. The feel of his lips on mine is nothing like when Kieran kissed me. Pushing the thought of Kieran into the back of my mind, me and the stranger make our way over to his couch.

Breaking the kiss to catch my breath, I pulled my shirt off my body. The red lingerie Kieran had me put on is revealed, the stranger's blue eyes hungrily eyeing my body. His eyes fall down to my breasts, his hands reaching out to cup them.

As soon as he touches me, the excrutiating ache between my thighs is gone.

"I've changed my mind." Shaking my head, I grabbed my shirt -which I tossed on to the floor when I took it off- and slipped it back on. "I should go."

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" His blue eyes are filled with concern, the erection in his jeans still pressed against my thigh.

"No, it's not you."

You're just not them.

Biting my lip, I shake my head once more and stand up. "I'm going to go. I'm sorry." 

The stranger sits upright, covering his lap with one of the dark blue pillows on his couch. "Is there nothing I can do to change your mind? I promise I can make it worth your while," he says with a suggestive smile, desperately trying to change my mind.

"I doubt it," I reply, making my way towards the exit. 

Twisting the knob and pulling open the door, I gasp, surprised to see Kieran standing before me.

"K-Kieran," I stammer, my eyes wide. "What are you doing here?"

Did he follow me?

He glances over at the guy on the couch before focusing his brown eyes back on me. His brows are furrowed in anger, his expression serious. "Did you fuck him?"

"Is he your boyfriend or something?" The stranger asked from behind me.

"Speak again and I'll put a bullet in your head," Kieran threatened, his eyes still trained on me.

The guy doesn't utter another word.

I'm thoroughly perplexed as I stand there like a deer caught in headlights. I've never seen Kieran angry before. Which kind of scares me. His eyes are so dark they look damn near black.

"Answer the question, Elle. Did you, or did you not fuck him?" The aggression evident in his tone reminds me of Tobias.

"We just kissed," I finally answered. "That's all."

Grabbing my arm, he doesn't squeeze as he roughly pulls me out of the apartment. Slamming the door closed, he began to tug me towards the elevator.

"Let me go, Kieran," I demand, yanking my arm free from his grasp.

He dropped his hand, pausing to look at me with a scowl on his face. "I don't think you understand how this relationship works. You belong to us!"

I scoffed, crossing my arms. "Well you guys sure don't act like it."

"Maybe if you'd stopped being such a fucking brat, then maybe we'd give you what you want!" He shouted, not carrying if he woke up the entire apartment building.

"Excuse me?" I frowned. "I've been begging you guys to fuck me for a month, but all you guys want to do is play games." Shifting past him when the elevator doors slid open, I stepped onto the elevator and turned around with my arms still crossed. "I'm done waiting, Kieran."

Joining me on the elevator, he stood beside with his own arms crossed in anger and frustration. "I know you're frustrated Elle, but-"

"No, you don't," I interrupted. "You don't know what it's like to want someone so bad that your heart races when their name is mentioned. That you lose your breath when they look you in your eyes. That your body is set ablaze with just a single touch." Sighing, I threaded my fingers through my hair. "I think that maybe this was a mis-"

Pulling the emergency stop button on the elevator, Kieran pins me against the elevator wall. Pushing my hands above my head, he interlaces his fingers with mine.

Breathing heavily, he looked me in my eye. "Don't you dare say it," he murmured. "And I know," he breathed. "I know exactly how you feel." His lips brushed my own as he spoke, our foreheads kissing and our noses touching. "You have no idea how many times I've wanted to rip off your clothes and fuck you like you're my enemy."

"So what's stopping you?"

"You," he replied. "You're what's stopping me. You're impatient and you want to do things your way, which isn't how this works. And with all due respect, you belong to us. Your sexy little body is ours to do with whatever, whenever, and however we please. That's how this works."

Pulling away from me, he pushed the red button on the elevator and the doors opened. Following him outside, I stopped in front of him. "I have to have some control in this relationship, Kieran."

"You want control? Then you're going to have to earn it. Only good girls get rewarded, Elle."

Ever since me and my sisters lost everything, sex is the only time I've ever felt in control. The world turned their backs on us as a result of my parents and our control was taken. My control was taken.

I can't live or get a job anywhere. Everywhere I go, I am reminded of what I lost. I had a good life. I had friends. I had boyfriends. I was accepted into culinary school, which was taken away from me when they found out what my parents did.

I was supposed to go to college, then eventually own my own bakery, get married, and have children one day. I had everything under control. 

And now that I belong to Kieran and Tobias sexually, I don't even have control in the bedroom anymore. Which I would find arousing if I wasn't a bit of a dominant myself. 

But I'm going to try anyway. I'm going to try to be a good girl for them.

"Tobias is probably pissed, huh?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Oh yeah. Expect to be punished when we get home."

My brows rose at his words. "Punished? In what way?"

"You'll find out soon enough, sweetheart," he said, getting in the car and leaving me wondering what kind of punishment Tobias has waiting for me when I get back to the house.

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