Chapter 10

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There was no talk of becoming Tobias and Kieran's partner before or after dinner, so I decided that instead of waiting and hoping Tobias would come around, I would confront him.

It was the weekend, which meant Tobias wouldn't have to go into work today. I spent most of the morning devising a plan on how I would confront him. 

He has a way of making feel uncomfortable under his intimidating gaze. He stares with so much intensity that you feel like he can see into your soul. So if I prepare a plan beforehand, then I have a lower chance of embarrassing myself.

I typed out a contract using a template I found on google with Kieran's laptop and printed it out. I made three copies and placed them in their own little binder. 

I don't even know if this is going to work, but if he views this as a business transaction between two people -well three, then he might finally start taking me more seriously.

"What are you up to?" Kieran asked, reaching out to grab one of the binders on my bed. I smacked his hand away, shaking my head. "Ow," he responded, rubbing his the back of his hand.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't want you to see what was inside until it was time."

"Time for what?"

A scheming little smile made its way on to my face, Kieran staring at me with both confusion and curiosity in his eyes. "You're going to have to wait until later on tonight."


Dinner time came around pretty quickly, which only intensified my excitement because it meant that we were getting closer to the time.

I could hardly eat, my excitement through the roof. Kieran kept looking at me, trying to figure out what I was plotting. Neither of them saw much of me today, as I was so busy trying to make sure this plan was a perfect one.

When everyone finished eating, I said goodnight to my sisters and Ruth, before hurrying into my room to get changed into the dress I had Ruth purchase for me with the little bit of cash I had left in my wallet from Kieran.

When I returned, I had Kieran and Tobias' full attention. They were both sporting a feral look in their eyes that had me attempting and failing to swallow the nervous lump in my throat.

I kept my head held high as I instructed the both of them to join me in the conference room Tobias had. They both watched me closely as they stood to their feet and followed me down the hall. 

Neither one of them was sure why I had asked them into the conference room. But with this fitted black dress and stiletto heels I had on, their attention was mine for as long as I wanted.

"Please take a seat," I ordered, motioning them to sit down at any one of the black swivel office chairs surrounding the rectangular glass table.

I walked around, handing each of them a binder before taking a seat at the head of the table. "Inside you will find a contract. It is up to you to decide whether or not you sign it."

I try to keep my voice as authoritative as Tobias does in the hopes of sounding like an actual business woman. And so that they don't figure out how nervous as hell I am right now. 

I watch them with a nervous ache nestled in the pit of my stomach, my left leg crossed over the other as I await their response to the contract I laid out for them.

"This looks legit," Kieran comments, looking up at me and winking. He's caught on to what I'm trying to do here. I already know Kieran wants me to be his partner. It's Tobias I'm trying to convince.

"Any questions?" I ask, as Tobias finishes reading the contract and looks up to meet my eyes.

Tobias is the first to ask a question. "Do you know what you're asking of us?"

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