Chapter 15

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Kieran's POV
"Back so soon?" Tobias asked, glancing over his laptop to look at me.

Sighing deeply, I sift my fingers through my hair and take a seat in one of his office chairs. "I'm hard as fuck." Pushing my hips forward to adjust the painful erection in my sweats, I let out another aggravated sigh.

"I'm guessing things didn't go well?"

"No, they didn't. She's not going to be ready like you want her to be. She's not one to follow orders. But then again, that's what you like about her."

"I do," he admitted. "But not when it comes to this."

Tobias' incessant need to be in control pisses me off. He's so afraid of losing control that he'd wait years to fuck Elle if he has to. But if he had seen her in the lingerie I put her in- he wouldn't hesitate to pounce.

It would have been even better if she were in his favorite color- black. I've seen how he is when our girl wears black. It's always been a weakness of his as red is a weakness of mine.

All she did was touch me and I almost came in my pants. I would've let her suck my cock, but then she'd want more. And I would want more.

Then there would be no stopping either one of us. Tobias would be pissed as a result, and Elle would no longer be our girl. The whole thing would end before it even began. And I can't have that.

"We can't keep postponing what she wants, Tobias. We aren't sadists." I tilt my head, rethinking what I just said. "Well, I'm not a sadist." He glares at me. "Anyway, if we keep this up- it won't be long before she finds someone else to fulfill her needs."

He growls. "She wouldn't dare."

I smile at that. "Someone's feeling possessive."

This is new. Tobias doesn't usually get jealous. But that's because most of the women we've fucked know who they belong to, and wouldn't dare breech the contract for a quick lay.

"No," he retorts. I simply stared at him, unconvinced. "If she fucks someone else, then this ends."

"I know. Besides, I was only kidding. Elle wouldn't do that to us.


Elle's POV
"What's a beautiful woman like you doing all alone?"

I almost spit up in my mouth. Any guy who lets words like that come out of his mouth deserves to be thrown in jail.

With the rim of my glass pressed between my lips, I glance over at the guy attempting to flirt with me.

Aside from his thick blonde hair -which is beginning to recede- he didn't look that much older than me. He had blue eyes, that although weren't as gorgeous as Tobias', were still very appealing.

He had stubble on his chin that he couldn't seem to stop brushing with his hand as he smiled at me. 

Shifting my attention away from his fairly decent features, I skimmed his attire. His outfit is pretty basic. A navy blue button up and a pair of gray jeans.

Bringing my eyes up to his, I toss back the rest of the vodka soda and cranberry juice in my glass. His eyes are on me, curious to know why I have yet to respond to his corny ass question.

He's no Tobias or Kieran, but he'll have to do for now.

Setting the glass down, I finally give him my full attention. "Take me to your place." He gives me a confused look and I roll my eyes. "I assume you came over here because you want to fuck me, correct?"

He clears his throat, his cheeks reddening. "I-"

Standing up, I pulled out the last bit of money Kieran gave me and left it near my empty glass. "Where's your car?" I ask, shifting past him to make my way towards the exit.

Catching up to me, he points to the silver Honda as we walk out of the club and into the parking lot. The car's headlights blink, the 2007 model honking loudly in the darkness.

Opening the door to the passenger's side, I slip into the car and buckle myself in.

"My apartment isn't far from here," the blond stranger informs as he gets into the car.


There's no going back now. 


Tobias' POV
Having heard the sound of a car starting, Kieran and I both went to go check outside. I cursed when I saw Elle speeding off with Kieran's car.

What the hell is just doing?

Better yet, where the hell is she going?

I look to Kieran, hoping he'd know but he shakes his head, just as confused as I am.

It's too late for her to be going anywhere at this time of night. Especially alone. Clenching my jaw and balling my hand into a fist, I grow angry thinking about some creep taking advantage of her.

"Go after her, Kieran."

"She took my car."

"Use one of my cars in the garage," I instructed.

"What do you want me to do when I find her?"

Having started walking towards the stairs, I pause. She's not exactly obligated to follow our rules outside of the bedroom. But still, it's late and I'd rather not stay up all night worrying about her.

"Drag her ass back here," I tell him, before heading to my room for the night.

Ten minutes pass, and my frustration grows. It hasn't even been thirty minutes, but I feel like I'm losing my mind.

I don't know what she's doing to me. Aside from my housekeepers, there's not a woman in the world that I've bothered to waste my time caring for.

That is until Elle came along.

I hate it. I wish I could tear it out of my body and never feel again. But I can't. So now I'm stuck worrying about a woman who I can't control, nor seem to get out of my head.

Distressed, and itching to punish her for leaving without so much as a word- I set down the book I've been trying to read to get my mind off her.

Picking up my phone, I send Kieran a text asking him for an update. I can't sleep until I know she's safely back in the house.

Me: What is taking so damn long?

He responded within seconds of my message being sent. Starting down at the words on the screen, I begin to feel something I have never felt before.


Kieran: She's with some guy.

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