Chapter 8

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Tobias' POV
My secretary popped her head into the doorway, excusing herself for not having knocked. "I apologize sir, but you have an important call on line three."

"Who is it?"

"The Chief of police, sir." 

I grumbled, rolling my eyes. I thought I had dealt with this shit already. "Thank you, Lydia." She nodded, before leaving and closing the door. 

Kieran walked out from behind me and sat down in one of the chairs before me. "Is it about that landlord bullshit?"

"I don't know," I replied before picking up the phone and pressing it up to my ear. "What do you want, Chief?"

"I apologize for calling again, but I have a matter to discuss with you."

I sighed, in no mood to talk with anyone about anything. "What is it?"

"There's a rumor going around that the daughters of John and Abigail Fuller are living with you. Is this true?"

The Chief and I have known each other since I was a little boy. He's been a great help in investigating a few situations that occurred within my company. Including the case involving Elle's parents. 

When I invested in their tech company in the hopes of eventually taking our partnership to the next level, I had no idea that they were embezzling money.

They didn't just steal from their employees, but they stole from me as well. I didn't only lose millions of dollars as a result, but I lost a shit ton of customers who bought our products.

"It's true, but what does that have to do with anything?"

I knew he was bound to find out when Kieran reported the landlord situation. I was pissed when I came home to find them in my home. And in a way, I still am. As soon as I saw Elle, I wanted to punch Kieran in his face.

He didn't know that the Elle he met was the same one whose parents stole from me. He wasn't with me when I first met her. Her parents introduced us years ago, but she doesn't seem to have any memory of that day.

While I on the other hand, remember it very well. Her parents brought her with them to work, so she could get a taste of what would soon belong to her as they had plans of one day passing the business down to her. 

They were so excited about it. But Elle didn't look excited in the slightest. She didn't even look like she wanted to be there.

She had been looking down the whole time until her parents introduced her to me. I could tell she was surprised to see someone as young as me running my own company.

I remember shaking hands with her, but that was about it. She had no interest in speaking to me, or hearing what her parents had to say pertaining to the company.

"I'm just looking out for you, Tobias."

The Chief has been looking out for Kieran and I since we were kids. The both of us grew up in a group home, which is where we met.

While Kieran's parents had died in a car accident when he was two years old, I never knew my parents as I was even younger than Kieran was when they disappeared. I don't even know if they're even alive.

The Chief has looked into it on several occasions, but hasn't been able to find out anything. It's like they never even existed. So he's been the one watching over us. And over the years, he has become like a father to us.

"You always taught me to help people in need, which is what I'm doing."

"Let me speak to Kieran." I rolled my eyes, putting the phone on speaker. I motioned to Kieran, letting him know that the Chief wanted to speak with him.

"Hey Chief."

"Hey son. Please keep an eye on Tobias."

"Don't I always?"

"I'm serious Kieran. You know he has a habit of holding grudges."

"Don't worry, Chief. I'll make sure he's being a good boy." 

I flipped him off, in which he lightly chuckled in response. When the two of them finished talking about me like I wasn't here, he ended the call and sat back down. "So, speaking of Elle..."

"No. We are not talking about this again. So find someone else."

"You know damn well you don't want anyone else. I've seen the way you look at her. Especially when she was wearing that black dress. Admit it, Tobias. You want her."

I want her so fucking bad, but I'm not going to admit that to him or Elle. I've wanted her since the day I met her. But I can't get involved with her. 

I still haven't gotten over the shit her parents caused me. And if I get in a sexual relationship with her, I don't know that I'll be able to keep the hatred I have for her parents from interfering.

It's not her fault her parents are a bunch of fucking theives. And I may not show it, but I do feel bad about what happened to her and her sisters as a result. Which is one of the reasons why I changed my mind about them living with us. 

The other reason is that I want to fuck her. And I want to fuck her hard. So hard that every move she makes causes her pain. Kieran likes that sensual, making love shit. I don't.

I stood up, closing my laptop and shoving it in my computer bag. "I have a meeting in five minutes."

Kieran smirked. "I know you, Tobias. You can keep denying your attraction to her all you want, but you and I both know that she's perfect for us."

I know she's perfect for us. Everything about her is perfect, except for who her parents are.

I walked over to the door, my hand on the door handle as Kieran spoke again. "I know you hate her parents, but at least give her chance."


As I was opening the door, Kieran reached over me to slam the door closed. "You won't be able to control yourself around her for very long, Tobias. You know how you get."

"I'll manage," I replied, opening the door back up and walking out.

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